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Formerly thou wert instructed on the mountains of Himavat by Meru Savarni; in the town of Varanavata by Krishna Dwaipayana; on the cliff of Bhrigu by Rama; and on the banks of the Dhrishadwati by Sambhu himself. Thou hast also listened to the instruction of the great Rishi Asita on the hills of Anjana; and thou becamest a disciple of Bhrigu on the banks of the Kalmashi.

Formerly thou wert instructed on the mountains of Himavat by Meru Savarni; in the town of Varanavata by Krishna Dwaipayana; on the cliff of Bhrigu by Rama; and on the banks of the Dhrishadwati by Sambhu himself. Thou hast also listened to the instruction of the great Rishi Asita on the hills of Anjana; and thou becamest a disciple of Bhrigu on the banks of the Kalmashi.

One should then proceed to the Dhrishadwati. Bathing there and worshipping the gods, one obtaineth, O Bharata, merit that is superior to that of both the Agnishtoma and the Atiratra sacrifices. O chief of the Bharatas, bathing in that tirtha called Sarvadeva, a man obtaineth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand kine.

One should then proceed to the Dhrishadwati. Bathing there and worshipping the gods, one obtaineth, O Bharata, merit that is superior to that of both the Agnishtoma and the Atiratra sacrifices. O chief of the Bharatas, bathing in that tirtha called Sarvadeva, a man obtaineth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand kine.