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"Well, give us your highfalutin' opinion ov it!" Anna sipped a spoonful and remarked: "It might be worse." "Aye, it's worse where there's nown, but on yer oath now d'ye think Sooty Ann washed her han's?" "Good clane dhirt will poison no one, Jamie." "Thrue, but this isn't clane dhirt, it's soot bitther soot!" It was agreed to pass the O'Hare delection.

"You long, lazy, black-haired swine," drawled Ortheris, who would have done the same thing under similar circumstances. "'Twas the height av policy. That naygur-man dhruv miles an' miles as far as the new railway line they're buildin' now back av the Tavi river. ''Tis a kyart for dhirt only, says he now an' again timoreously, to get me out av ut.

'You long, lazy, black-haired swine, drawled Ortheris, who would have done the same thing under similar circumstances. ''Twas the height av policy. That naygur-man dhruv miles an' miles as far as the new railway line they're buildin' now back av the Tavi river. "'Tis a kyart for dhirt only," says he now an' again timoreously, to get me out av ut.

'Dhirt I am, sez I, 'an' the dhryest that you iver kyarted. Dhrive on, me son, an' glory be wid you. At that I wint to slape, an' took no heed till he pulled up on the embankmmt av the line where the coolies were pilin' mud. There was a matther av two thousand coolies on that line you remimber that. Prisintly a bell rang, an' they throops off to a big pay-shed.

"Dhirt I am," sez I, "an' the dhryest that you iver kyarted. Dhrive on, me son, an glory be wid you." At that I wint to slape, an' took no heed till he pulled up on the embankmint av the line where the coolies were pilin' mud. There was a matther av two thousand coolies on that line you remimber that. Prisintly a bell rang, an' they throops off to a big pay-shed.