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But then, Fives were not very perceptive people, anyway. The Guesser went on walking into the complex corridors of the lower part of the building, following directions that had been given him by Deyla. There was no hesitation on his part; his memory for things like that was as near perfect as any record of the past can be.

D'Graski's Planet was the nearest repair base; sooner or later, another ship had to make that as a port of call from Viornis. He had told Deyla that the route to D'Graski's was the one most likely to be attacked by Misfit ships, that she would have to wait until a ship bound for there landed at the spaceport before the two of them could carry out their plan. And now the ship was here.

He went on past it, stepping aside regularly for citizens of higher class than his own assumed Six. He made his way around to the narrow alley that ran past the rear of the building. There was a Class Five guard armed with a heavy truncheon, standing by the door that led into the workers entrance. The Guesser, as he had been instructed by Deyla, had his card out as he neared the doorway.

When she had gone on to explain, The Guesser's mind had boggled at her audacity at first. And then he'd begun to see how it might be possible. For it was not until then that the woman had given The Guesser information which he hadn't thought to ask about before. The first was her name: Deyla. The second was her job. She was a cleaning woman in Executive territory.

After several minutes of walking and climbing stairs Sixers did not use lift chutes or drop chutes he found the room where Deyla had told him to meet her. It was a small storeroom containing cleaning tools and supplies. She was waiting for him. And, now that the time had actually come for them to act on her plan, fear showed on her face.

They enjoyed your clownish performance very much. "Now, tell me exactly why you didn't show up for take-off on Viornis." The Guesser explained what had happened, his voice low. He told about having something thrown at him, about the beamgun being fired at him. He told about the girl, Deyla. He told everything in a monotonous undertone. The captain nodded when he was through. "That tallies.