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This work contained the story of the Graf von Gleichen, which is acknowledged to have been a precursor of Goethe’sStella.” Düntzer in hisErläuterungen zu den deutschen Klassikernsays it is impossible to determine whence Goethe took the story forStella.” He mentions that it was contained in Bayle’s Dictionary, which is known to have been in Goethe’s father’s library, and two other books, both dating from the sixteenth century, are noted as possible sources.

I promise at all times to respect and obey him and the leaders whom he appoints over me." A pledge of allegiance to the Führer is also implied in the Nazi salute, which is usually accompanied by the greeting, "Heil Hitler." The phrase mit deutschen Gruss, which is commonly used as a closing salutation in letters, is another form of the Hitler greeting.

[Footnote 79: For reviews ofTobias Knautsee Gothaische Gelehrte Zeitung, April 13, 1774, pp. 193-5; Magazin der deutschen Critik, III,

When they see us they throw everything away and run. If we catch them, they put up their hands and say, 'Pas de mal, Alsatien. But we're used to that trick. We just go through them like butter and say, 'Pour vous! A little étrenne, you know, monsieur, what you call 'Christmas-box'!" He laughed at some grim recollection. "Deutschen Hunde! Stink-preussen! Ja!" It was the Alsatian who was speaking.

[Footnote 4: “Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung,” V, pp. 184

The mass of literature pertaining to Schiller has now grown so great that an exhaustive bibliography would fill a good-sized volume. All that can be attempted here is a selection of the more important works. The fullest bibliography thus far is that contained in the fifth volume of Goedeke's Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung, 2nd edition, Dresden, 1893.

"I do not know at what hotel our ship's company is stopping," said Shuffles, as they landed. "My friends are at the Deutschen Haus; and you must come there with us," replied Lady Feodora. "My father and mother are there, and they will be delighted to see you." "Perhaps our people are there," added Shuffles. They walked to the hotel named, and found that the American party was there.

If this view be correct, we should not have the right of establishing the series: gens, compound family, village community the second member of the series having not the same ethnological value as the two others. Stobbe, Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Rechtes, p. 62. See Inama-Sternegg's Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutschland, Bd. i. 1878.

It is hard to believe that such lunatic lies can come from the pen of a professor in good standing. "Ohne zu übertreiben kann man sagen dass heute nur der allerkleinste Teil der deutschen Presse geneigt ist, den Engländern Gerechtigkeit widerfahren zu lassen, bei Behandlung allgemeiner Fragen sich auch einmal auf den englischen Standpunkt der Betrachtung wenigstens zeitweise zu versetzen.

The customs observed at these places and at Althenneberg are described together by W. Mannhardt, Der Baumkultus, p. 505. The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, ii. 349 sqq. See further below, vol. ii. pp. 298 sqq. J.W. Wolf, Beiträge sur deutschen Mythologie, i. 75 sq.; W. Mannhardt, Der Baumkultus, p. 506.