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We've been doing some bombing, ourselves; we made a down-payment for Eric Blount and Hendrik Lemoyne. Took a fifty-ton tank off a fuel-lorry, fitted it with a detonator, filled it with thermoconcentrate, and ferried it over on the Elmoran and dumped it on the Keegarkan Embassy.

The bomb-thrower reads the altitude of his airship as indicated by his barometer or other recording instrument, and by means of a table at his command ascertains in a moment the time which will elapse before the bomb strikes the ground. The automatic detonator is set in motion and the bomb released to explode approximately at the height to which it is set.

"That's the fine-alley!" announced 'Bias, as another detonator banged aloft, while a volcano of "fiery serpents" hissed and screamed behind it. "Let's run for shelter!" He offered his arm. Cai did the same. But Mrs Bosenna she had not clung to any one this time very nimbly slipped between them and took Dinah for protector.

You can’t expect a detonator to be absolutely fool-proof.” He beckoned to a waiter. Ossipon sat rigid, with the abstracted gaze of mental travail. After the man had gone away with the money he roused himself, with an air of profound dissatisfaction. “It’s extremely unpleasant for me,” he mused. “Karl has been in bed with bronchitis for a week.

Glancing up, I noticed a shell lodged in a fork of the two main branches, that had stuck there without exploding. For a shell to explode, it is necessary that the nose of the fuse, containing the detonator, shall come in contact with a solid substance, in order to make ignition and cause the explosion.

For practice purposes the explosive was left out, and the detonator wired into an empty tin. Each day lines of men could be seen about the country standing behind a hedge, over which they threw jam tins at imaginary trenches, the aim and object of all being to make the tin burst as soon as possible after hitting the ground.

Talk to me of the warm embrace of your earliest friend, after years of absence; the cordial and heartfelt shake hands of your old school companion, when in after years, a chance meeting has brought you together, and you have had time and opportunity for becoming distinguished and in repute, and are rather a good hit to be known to than otherwise; of the close grip you give your second when he comes up to say, that the gentleman with the loaded detonator opposite won't fire, that he feels he's in the wrong.

Detonating caps are therefore made of this, and one such cap put into the middle of that cartridge of dynamite and set fire to, by any means, would convert the cartridge itself into a detonator, and explode it with a shattering effect. "A human being," I continued, "sometimes illustrates this principle figuratively I mean the violent explosion of a large cartridge by means of a small detonator.

"You promised me shutters, with a detonator, sir." "Ay, but you objected." "That was before they blew me up." "Just so. Shutters shall be hung to-morrow; and the detonators I'll fix myself." "Thank you, sir. Would you mind engaging a watchman?" "Hum? Not if you will share the expense." "I'll pay one-third." "Why should I pay two thirds? It is not like shutters and Bramah locks: they are property.

Sitting in the middle of about one hundred trench mortar bombs, visions of the whole show going up came to me. Another detonator was put in. "Fire," came the order. Again it failed. "Look here, sergeant," I said, "if that bally thing happens again I'm off." "The blessed thing has never been so bad before, sir. Let's have one more try." Still another detonator was put in.