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Olrik dwells on the fact that, "Det sagn, der her optræder som knyttet til historiske eller rettere halvhistoriske personer, findes også rundt omkring i Europas æventyr som indledning til fortællingen om den stærke kæmpe, der hentede de bortförte kongedötre tilbage fra troldene." Olrik says further: "Men også i den islandske saga-verden har vi tilknytning.

The enemy did not pursue. He was crafty. That would have indicated his great strength. By order of Col. Lawrie, British O. C. Onega Det., Lt. Phillips was sent with about forty "H" Company men to reinforce Lt. Collins.

Every part of his clothing was gray with the lice that were hastening his death with their torments. He uttered the first complaint I ever heard him make, as I came up to him: "My Gott, M , dis is worse dun a dog's det!"

On the eve the shepherd went with his sheep"; "In old days no one could stay over Christmas Eve"; "It happened once late on a Yule Eve"; "Formerly every Christmas Eve"; "I gamle dage var det en julenat"; "Juleaften gik Per Bakken til kvernhuset"; "Nogen av selskapet kom til at tale on Hammertrollet, som det nu kaltes, og de mente, at skulde de nogengang vente ulempe av det arrige troll, saa maatte det vel vasre saadan i julegryet".

She seized the Teddy-bear, swung it round her head and brought it down with a resounding thump on Hugo's chest. "Det up," she said more loudly. "Loo don't seem to know any stolies, so you mus' play wis me." Hugo swung his legs off the sofa and sat up to recover his breath, which had been knocked out of him by the Teddy-bear. "You're a very rude little girl," he said crossly.

"Go home!" repeated William, and then, as Jane stood motionless and inarticulate, transfixed by her idea, he said, almost brokenly, to his dainty companion, "I DON'T know what you'll think of my mother! To let this child " Miss Pratt laughed comfortingly as they started on again. "Isn't mamma's fault, foolish boy Baxter. Ickle dirlies will det datie!"

"'At," she remarked with great scorn, "would be a velly stupid game. Det up!" "Why can't Meg play with you?" Hugo asked irritably. "What's she doing?" Little Fay stared at her father. She was unaccustomed to be addressed in that tone, and she resented it. Earley and Mr. Burgess were her humble slaves.

Genevieve, or about the college of Navarre, and, at the hour that the watch was coming up that way which he knew by putting his sword upon the pavement, and his ear by it, and, when he heard his sword shake, it was an infallible sign that the watch was near at that instant then he and his companions took a tumbrel or dung-cart, and gave it the brangle, hurling it with all their force down the hill, and so overthrew all the poor watchmen like pigs, and then ran away upon the other side; for in less than two days he knew all the streets, lanes, and turnings in Paris as well as his Deus det.

He found his family had heard of the loss of the Englishman and the guides, and had believed he was one of them. Already he was forgotten. "Ven you vos once peliefed to be det," said Rutli, after a philosophic pause and puff, "it vos not goot to ondeceif beoples. You oopset somedings, soomdimes always.

A childish laugh caused him to turn his head, and there looking in at him from a small door to the left was a little maiden, with curly, auburn hair and cheeks twin sisters to the rosiest apples that ever grew. "Oo azy ittle boy!" she cried, clapping her hands. "Oo must det up. Turn, daddy, tee azy, azy ittle boy."