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When they were fairly out of sight, Constance went leisurely back to her bower, and called up the chimney. "Now, my good Lord, you may descend in safety." Le Despenser obeyed; but he came down looking so like a chimney-sweep that Constance, whose versatile moods changed with the rapidity of lightning, flung herself on the bed in fits of laughter.

May I beg that the Lady Isabel La Despenser will quit the castle before she comes. It would be very unpleasant to her otherwise. "Unpleasant to Alianora! And to Isabel, what would it be? Little he recked of that. She had received her dismissal. He had said to her, in effect, `You are my wife, and Lady of Arundel, no more. "She lifted herself up a little, and looked into his face.

"To drive the deer with hound and horne Earl Percy took his way; The child may rue that is unborne The hunting of that day." Ballad of Chevy Chase. "Willemina!" said the old Lady Le Despenser to her bower-maiden, "what horn was that I heard but now without?" "Shall I certify your Ladyship?" asked Willemina, rising and gathering together the embroidered quilt on which she was working.

"There be no news of my Lord, nor from Langley," said Bertram. "But my Lord's Grace of Hereford, and Sir Thomas de Arundel, sometime Archbishop, be landed at Ravenspur." "Landed at Ravenspur! Banished men!" The loyal soul of Elizabeth Le Despenser could imagine nothing more atrocious. "Well, let them land!" she added in a minute. "The Duke's Grace of York shall wit how to deal with them.

Left to themselves the marcher allies easily overran the Despenser lands, inherited or usurped. Neither Cardiff nor Caerphilly held out long against them: the Welsh husbandmen, like the English knights and barons of Glamorgan, were hostile to the Despensers. The king could do nothing to help his friends.

The man's evil intentions were manifest now; and Le Despenser, drawing his sword, sternly commanded him to continue his voyage to Ireland, if he valued his life. The barge-master's only reply was a low signal-whistle, in answer to which twenty men, concealed in the hold, sprang on deck and overwhelmed the little band of fugitives.

It was for the daughter's sake alone that she cared to live now; the daughter to whom men had left only God and that mother. A new lesson was now to be taught to Constance to rest wholly upon God. It was very tranquilly at last that Elizabeth Le Despenser passed away from earth.

The body was carried into the Castle, saved by the Mayor from insult; and a few days afterwards they bore it by slow stages to Tewkesbury Abbey, and laid him in his father's grave. Surrey and Exeter died for their King alone. But it was only half for King Richard that Salisbury and Le Despenser died; and the other half was for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The outlook became still more alarming when the Earl of Lincoln at last changed his policy. Convinced of the unworthiness of Gaveston, he turned against him, and the whole baronage followed his lead. Only Hugh Despenser and a few lawyers adhered to the favourite.

These were a younger and elder Hugh Le Despenser, son and grandson of the Justiciar who had fallen beside Earl Simon at Evesham. Greedy and ambitious as they may have been, they were able men, and their policy was of a higher stamp than the wilful defiance of Gaveston.