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This is going to reach Custer, and I'll take it!" He flung back his ragged coat, his hand on the despatch-bag. "I 've earned the right." Brant reached forth his hand cordially. "That's true; you have. What's more, if you 're able to make the trip, there is no one here who will attempt to stop you. But now tell me how this thing happened. I want to know the story before we get in."

He eased the boat away, and the shadow of the great brown lug fell upon him comfortably. "It's all very wonderful," he said, his eyes on the musing waters. "It's a miracle nothing less," replied the Parson, unslinging the despatch-bag. "This bag did me yeoman service. Look!"

I'm going to undo the back door noisily. You'll undo the front door quietly. I shall sally, the despatch-bag slung across my shoulders so see? Give me a good start. Choose your moment. Then follow." The words came swift as hail. The Parson was at his best the Englishman in action, back to the door, face to Eternity. The shock and storm of circumstance made lightning in the dark of his mind.

I will bring you the right despatch-bag." "Stay!" said Hadrian, eagerly seizing his favorite's hand. "Is this a mere trick of chance or a decree of Fate? Why should this particular sack have come into my hands to-day of all others? Why, out of twenty documents it contains, should I have taken out this very one? Look here. I will explain these signs to you.

Bearing a despatch-bag to our legation at Paris, I carried the pass, not only of an attach<e'>, but of a bearer of despatches, and on my departure our minister said to me: ``The Russian officials at the frontier have given much trouble to Americans of late; and I hope that if they trouble you, you will simply stop and inform me.

He was sitting upon the despatch-bag, which thus had escaped the vigilance of his murderers. My lord the General was not on board. I am lying off Beachy Head waiting for him. Should he not appear by tomorrow noon, I shall not dare to wait longer, but shall make all sail with the despatches I have captured.

I will bring you the right despatch-bag." "Stay!" said Hadrian, eagerly seizing his favorite's hand. "Is this a mere trick of chance or a decree of Fate? Why should this particular sack have come into my hands to-day of all others? Why, out of twenty documents it contains, should I have taken out this very one? Look here. I will explain these signs to you.

"Nelson, sir!" The word went home. The boy shot in, and slammed the door. All again was darkness, and Blob breathing heavily at his side. "I'm through! I'm through!" came a triumphant yell. Kit's eye was at a crack. The Parson had broken away from the rout, and was making for the hills, the despatch-bag flopping in his back. The Gentleman, leading the charge at the cottage, turned.

"I understand you," exclaimed the King; "it is useless to explain yourself further; rather show us what you have brought." The Duke made a signal to his secretaries to approach the bed. "Here, Sire," he said, "in my despatch-bag, are three purses filled with gold tokens, with a device expressive of the love borne towards your Majesty by your people.

Lord Alfiriston, Sir Harry Dene, and the rest. I gathered they were from the despatch-bag you're so good as to leave in my hands." "I'm leaving no despatch-bag in your hands." The Parson jumped round. What did the fellow mean? Had he somehow?... No, there it was on the staple, the tarpaulin bag stamped with the Imperial Eagle. He took it down. "This is the boy I meant.