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When that lady came in she met her with a wan but by no means dubious smile, and ignoring with quiet dignity the very evident curiosity with which that good woman surveyed the bed, she said appealingly: "'You have been so kind to me, Mrs. Desberger, that I am going to tell you a secret.

"I don't know Mrs. Desberger," she remarked. At which I smiled. Did she think Mrs. Desberger in society? At the end of an upper passage-way we paused. "This is the door," whispered Miss Althorpe. "Perhaps I had better go in first and see if she is at all prepared for company."

She, that is, the writer, whose name, as nearly as I could make out, was Bertha Desberger, knew such a person as I described, and could give me news of her if I would come to her house in West Ninth Street at four o'clock Sunday afternoon. If I would! I think my face must have shown my satisfaction, for Mr.

"No one asks for your confidence," I protested, "though it might not hurt you to accept a friend whenever you can get one. I merely wish, as I said before, to give you a message from Mrs. Desberger, under whose roof you stayed before coming here." "I am obliged to you," she responded, rising to her feet, and trembling very much. "Mrs. Desberger is a kind woman; what does she want of me?"

Desberger," she observed while fitting on her gloves, "but her taste" here she cast a significant look about the room "is not quiet enough for me." "I should think not!" I cried. "I shall be a trouble to you," the girl went on, with a gleam in her eye that spoke of the restless spirit within. "I have many things to buy, and they must all be rich and handsome."

Perhaps she is innocent, and perhaps if she is not innocent, she has been driven into evil by very great temptations. I am sorry for her, whether she is simply unhappy or deeply remorseful. For I never saw a sweeter face, or eyes with such boundless depths of misery in them." Just what Mrs. Desberger had said!

I was anxious myself to have him see her, though I feared her condition was not such as to promise him any immediate enlightenment on the doubtful portions of this far from thoroughly mastered problem. And I bade him interview the Chinaman also, and Mrs. Desberger, and even Mrs.

Desberger, that woman's greatest weakness being her love of dress. "So from that hour I knew what to expect, and after sending precautionary advices to Police Headquarters, I set myself to watch her prepare for the evening.

None seemed to satisfy her, and she tore it down again and let it hang till supper-time, when she wound it up in its usual simple knot. Mrs. Desberger spent some minutes with her, but their talk was far from confidential, and therefore uninteresting. I wish people would speak louder when they talk to themselves. "Tuesday. "Great restlessness on the part of the young person I am watching.

Will it continue to remain a secret, or shall I see it in the faces of all my fellow-boarders to-morrow? You can imagine Mrs. Desberger's reply, also the manner in which it was delivered, but not Miss Oliver's secret. She uttered it in these words: 'I am going out to-night, Mrs. Desberger. I am going into great society.