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Miss Cameron and, I may add, with Lady Vargrave's consent deputes me to say that, although she feels compelled to decline the honour of your lordship's alliance, yet if in any arrangement of the fortune bequeathed to her she could testify to you, my lord, her respect and friendship, it would afford her the most sincere gratification." Lord Vargrave started.

The whole, the speaking and the interest of the scene surpassed our expectations, and we felt proud to mark the vast difference between the English House of Commons and the French Chambre des Deputes. Nevertheless, there are disturbances in Suffolk, and Lord Londonderry had to get up from dinner to order troops to be sent there. To MRS. EDGEWORTH. 8 HOLLES STREET, March, 1822.

We are amused when he informs Madame Hanska that he is giving up the Chronique de Paris which, after a brilliant flourish of trumpets at the start, was a complete failure because the speeches in the Chambre des Deputes are so silly that he abandons the idea of taking up politics, as he had intended to do by means of journalism.

As fast as his duties accumulate, the head chief or king confines himself more and more to directing public affairs, and leaves the execution of his will to others: he deputes others to enforce submission, to inflict punishments, or to carry out minor acts of offence and defence; and only on occasions when, perhaps, the safety of the society and his own supremacy are at stake, does he begin to act as well as direct.

Her voice was heard again as she returned to the wicket: "The Lady Superior deputes to Mere Esther the privilege, on this occasion, of receiving the welcome postulantes of the house of Repentigny." The portiere retired from the wicket. The heavy door swung noiselessly back, opening the way into a small antechamber, floored with smooth flags, and containing a table and a seat or two.

There is not much mystery about him really. Like a good many other highly placed individuals, he deputes as much of his work as possible to some one else in this case that long-suffering maid-of-all-work, the company officer.

"Your note having just arrived, Robert deputes me to write for him while he dresses to go out on an engagement. It is the evening. All the hours are wasted, since the morning, through our not being found at the Rue de Grenelle, but here and our instinct of self-preservation or self-satisfaction insists on our not losing a moment more by our own fault.

John Koren, International Prison Commissioner for the United States, was throughout this agitation making a study of this very problem. As chairman of a Special Commit- Speech before the French Chamber of Deputies May 16, 1876, advocating amnesty for those who participated in the Commune of 1871. From the Annales de la Chambre des Deputes, 1876, v. 2, pp. 44-48.

Talking to our poilus we remarked that they have not a good word to throw to their députés no faith in them. About French politicians I know nothing; but their shoes are unenviable, and will become too tight for them after the war.

She deputes the soul of his master Virgil to conduct him through hell and purgatory, and then takes him herself through the spheres of heaven, where Saint Peter catechises and confirms him, and where he is finally honoured with sights of the Virgin Mary, of Christ, and even a glimpse of the Supreme Being! His hell, considered as a place, is, to speak geologically, a most fantastical formation.