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Longwood was certainly far from being a suitable abode; but a word from Napoleon would have led to the erection of the new house on a site that he chose to indicate. The materials had all been brought from England; but the word was not spoken until a much later time; and the inference is inevitable that he preferred to remain where he was so that he could represent himself as lodged in cette grange insalubre. The third of the Longwood household to depart was the surgeon, O'Meara. The conduct of this British officer in facilitating Napoleon's secret correspondence has been so fully exposed by Forsyth and Seaton that we may refer our readers to their works for proofs of his treachery. Gourgaud's "Journal" reveals the secret influence that seduced him. Chancing once to refer to the power of money over Englishmen, Napoleon remarked that that was why we did not want him to draw sums from Europe, and continued: "Le docteur n'est si bien pour moi que depuis que je lui donne mon argent. Ah! j'en suis bien sûr, de celui-l

Ten minutes and more slipped by, during which, still philosophical, he walked slowly round and round the table, straightening a candle here, altering a dish there, humming all the while in a not unmusical voice the song from Louise. He was dwelling fondly upon the line "Depuis le jour je me suis donnée"

The list of his principal plays follows: 'Le Service en campagne, comedy ; La Cicatrice, comedy ; Au Mont Ida, Fronsac a La Bastille, and La Coeur de Paris, all in 1887; La Czarine and Brouille depuis Magenta , and La Bonne Aventure all comedies 1889. Together with Petipa he also wrote a ballet Le Roi d'Yvetot ; music by Charles Labarre.

He was, when a boy, always morose, tyrannical and domineering. " Il motrait dans ces jeux cet esprit de domination qu'il a depuis manifestée sur le grand theatre du monde; et celui qui devoit un jour epouvanter l'Europe a commencè par etre le maitre et l'effroi d'une troupe d'enfans ."

Tout en disant ainsi, je jette ma pierre d'une main tremblante, et avec un horrible battement de coeur, mais si heureusement qu'elle va frapper au beau-milieu de l'arbre: ce qui veritablement n'etoit pas difficile: car j'avois eu soin de le choisir fort gros et fort pres. Depuis lors je n'ai plus doubte de mon salut.

It is impossible to dismiss this brief sketch of French balloonists of this period without paying some due tribute to M. Depuis Delcourt, equally well known in the literary and scientific world, and regarded in his own country as a father among aeronauts. Born in 1802, his recollection went back to the time of Montgolfier and Charles, to the feats of Garnerin, and the death of Madame Blanchard.

Le Danube, depuis Vienne jusqu'

Journal d'un Voyage dans les Cercles du Rhin. Par Collini. Paris, 1777. 8vo. Chiefly mineralogical. 329. Voyage sur le Rhin, depuis Mayence jusqu'

Andrews stood a long while leaning against the window frame, until he heard Henslowe's voice behind him: "Depuis le jour ou je me suis donnee." "You look like 'Louise." Andrews turned round. Henslowe was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hair in disorder, combing his little silky mustache with a pocket comb. "Gee, I have a head," he said.

It was in his "Essays on Unsettled Questions in Political Economy" that his views upon this subject were first given to the world, a work of which M. Cherbuliez of Geneva speaks as "un travail le plus important et le plus original dont la science economique se soit enrichie depuis une vingtaine d'années."