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"Here dwell our old people," whispered Deodatus. They soon came out a fine pair. The wife might be sixty, the man eighty. The great-grandfather's face had that characteristic look which makes you remember a good picture you have once seen, even if forty years ago.

Let your thoughts sometimes turn to us; by us you will ever be remembered. Long before the morrow's sunrise, Basil was stirring. By the light of his little lamp, he and Deodatus conversed together, no longer as master and servant, but as loving friends, until the bell called them to matins.

Several times of late he had come here, to gaze across the mountainous landscape, wondering where Veranilda might be. Turning to his companion, he laid a hand on the man's shoulder, and addressed him in a voice of much gentleness. 'Did you leave nothing behind you, Deodatus, which would make the thought of never returning to your home a sorrow? 'Nothing, my dear lord, was the reply.

The old lady still kept the care of the cooking department in her own hands, and she it was who provided for all the family, though each had full liberty to sit at a separate table with any others he cared for, and take his meal with them; but her husband sat down at a table with us and Deodatus.

Again with mind confused, Basil went to his cell, and sat there head on hand, trying to recover the mood, the thoughts, with which he had risen this morning. But everything was changed. He could no longer think of the past; the future called to him, and its voice was like that of the Gothic trumpet, stirring his blood, urging him to activity. At midday some one knocked, and there entered Deodatus.

The dwellings of the ever-growing families already form a whole street; each little house is built by division of labor, and the elders help the newly married. Strangers who visit the island are received by the nominal head of the family, whom the others call father. Strangers know him under the name of Deodatus.

She showed to the ladies of the Court the severe verses which the Count had written; and his victims were so enraged that they carried their complaints to the King, who had already felt the weight of the author's blows in some verses beginning: "Que Deodatus est heureux De baiser ce bec amoureux, Qui, d'une oreille a l'autre va. Alleluia," etc.

"For which I thank Heaven," responded the Senator. "The nearest are on the farm of Deodatus, in the valley.

Then, as if reminding himself that his hearer had need of more encouraging words, he said cheerfully: 'To-morrow, perchance, you will have strength to leave your room. Deodatus shall come to you in the morning. When you can walk so far, I will pray you to visit me in my tower. You knew not that I inhabit a tower? Even as the watchman who keeps guard over a city.

Some of them must have given notice of the approach of the Senator, for Deodatus came to his door with the salutation, "AVE CLARISSIME!" and then stood staring at Verronax, apparently petrified with wonder; and as the young chief demanded where was Meinhard, he broke forth "Does his nobility ask me?