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There may we hear the small birds sing, there may we see the hills and plains clad all in green and the fields full of corn wave even as doth the sea; there may we see trees, a thousand sorts, and there is the face of heaven more open to view, the which, angered against us though it be, nevertheless denieth not unto us its eternal beauties, far goodlier to look upon than the empty walls of our city.

"Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father." It is doubtless in view of these soul-ruining heresies, that the beloved disciple tendered the caution, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." We would expect the tenth chapter to begin with the sounding of the seventh trumpet; but we find it is not so.

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.

If a man disprove his godship out of his own mouth, we shall not be convinced by a coin in a fish's mouth or by his raising Lazarus, four days dead. So long as he says, "I will confess him that confesseth me and deny him that denieth me," we should know him for one of us, though he rose from the dead before our eyes. Then at the last you will say, "By their fruits ye shall know them."

I had, p. 13, proved my distinction out of these words of his own: “The Commissioner saith, Magistracy is not derived from Christ. There is no reply to this in Male Dicis. Now he denieth the very same distinction for substance.

"Ask at their master, not me," said Constance coolly. "'Tis plain, Madam, that his Grace of York did give you aid, methinks." "You be full welcome, Sir Keeper, to draw your own conclusions." "Lo' you, my Lords, the prisoner denieth it not! And my Lord of Cambridge what part took he. Lady?" "Never a whit, Sir," answered Constance audaciously. "May I crede you, mewondereth?"

Ans. None of us denieth that article: we all stand to it.

The which I do not avouch for truth, neither rashly deny, having seen myself such fertility of Nature's wonders that I hold him who denieth aught merely for its strangeness to be a ribald and an ignoramus.

But he has chosen to ape Jehovah-God by using 'I am, that I am! instead of the true translation which has evidently been hidden from him and which is: 'I AM HE WHO AM FOR EVER!" "He is Anti-christ, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John ii. 22. The Scriptures have been issued by millions, every soul of you here has had an opportunity of knowing the things whereof we again testify.

There was a moment of hesitation; then the masks nodded, and Joel mounted to a chair and with a comical grimace of despair at West, who sat scowling on the couch, he began: "There is a flag of crimson hue, The fairest flag that flieth, Whose folds wave over hearts full true, As nobody denieth. Here's to the School, the School so dear; Here's to the soil it's built on!