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It has now been brought to a high state of perfection by the well-known submarine engineers Siebe and Gorman, Heinke and Davis, and others, of London, and Denayrouze of Paris. It encases the diver completely from head to foot, is perfectly water-tight, and is made of thick sheet india-rubber covered on both sides with tanned twill the helmet and breast-plate being metal.

The youth looked up, and now perceived the advantage of the fourth hole or window, just over the forehead, which is peculiar to the Denayrouze helmet, most others having only three openings. He could look up by merely raising his eyes, whereas with the other helmets it is necessary to bend well back in order to get the front-glass to face upwards.

Now, Mister Eddy, don't you think it would be as well for you to go down and have a look at the wreck? You'll then be better able to judge as to what's best to be done, an' I've got a noo dress by the firm of Denayrouze, with a speakin'-apparatus, which'll fit you. I got it for myself, and we're much about a size barrin' the waist, in which I have the advantage of you as to girth.

It may interest practical spirits to know that they can see the diving-dress and apparatus in operation, by going to Number 17 Mason Street, Westminster Bridge Road, London, where Messrs. Siebe and Gorman have erected a large Tank for the purpose of illustrating their apparatus. At the Alexandra Palace, also, Messrs. Denayrouze and Company have a tank for the same purpose.

A few minutes more and our divers were safely beyond the chance of capture, making for the mainland under a steady breeze. The pump used by Denayrouze of Paris, besides being very simple in its parts and action, possesses an air-reservoir which renders a cessation of the pump-action for a few minutes of no importance. Turn we now to Miss Pritty and a pretty sight she is when we turn to her!

"Yes most, but not all, that's where it lies, sir. You've often seen Siebe and Gorman's dresses, but did you ever see this helmet made by Heinke and Davis?" "No, I don't think I ever did." "Or that noo helmet wi' the speakin'-toobe made by Denayrouze and Company, an' this dress made by the same?"