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His countenance settled into an expression of utter despair. "Why have you sought so diligently to restore me to health, to a disgraced and miserable existence? You must have known, from the delirous words of my illness, of which you have told me, that life would be a worthless thing to me. You should have permitted me the privilege of death", said he bitterly. "The privilege of death!" said Mr.

Hardly had grass grown or water run through it since the day that Israel wrought there. When he had tied the horses he heard Prudence calling him. "I'm afraid he's delirous," she said, when he reached her side. "He keeps hearing cries and shots, and sees a woman's hair waving before him, and he's afraid of something back of him. What can we do?"

All these articles, without being striking from their size, and other accessory qualities to be remarked in costly specimens, incontestably present a rich fund of instruction to persons delirous of fathoming science, by multiplying the points of view under which mineral productions may be observed.

And as he sez this my madness all died away, as the way of pardners is, and a great pity stole into my heart. I do spoze he wuz half delirous with seein' too much. Like a man who has oversot himself and come down on the floor. That man had been led round too much that day, for my own pleasure; to gratify my own esthetik taste I had almost ruined the pardner of my youth and middle age.