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"This takes me back to the days when I used to follow the flowers through the whole summer," the invalid cried delightedly. "Ah, Joe-Pye-Weed has arrived," she exclaimed joyfully over the handsome blossom. When the Ethels and Dorothy received their first order for the decoration of a house for an afternoon reception they were somewhat overcome. "Can we do it?" they asked each other.

He took off his gold-rimmed spectacles and wiped them; you saw then that his little eyes, benevolent behind the large round glasses, were shrewd and cunning; the party had been somewhat dull till he came, but he was a good story-teller and a jovial fellow. Soon he had the two women, Ethel and my friend's wife, laughing delightedly at his sallies.

I shall want to come back here whether my mother comes or not I shall want to." "The sooner the quicker," he said. "And so long as I'm here I'll be ready and waiting." "Don't go away," she said softly. "I shall need you." "Isn't that great?" he cried, flushing delightedly. "Isn't it just great that we've got things straightened so that you can say that. Gee! This is a queer old world!

She wished me good day and said she hoped I would be contented with her handiwork. I gazed at her delightedly, no trace of false shame appeared on her features. The blush on her cheeks was a witness of the pleasure she experienced in being useful a pleasure which is unknown to those whose curse is their pride, the characteristic of fools and upstarts.

"'At last Remi has a rifle, and none shall take it from him, he muttered triumphantly. 'See what I have! he cried after having been challenged and hauled into his own trench. 'I took it from the thickheads over there. I He said no more, for his comrades were hugging him delightedly. They hurried the child off to the captain of his company, who, after listening to the story, embraced Remi.

Take the taxi and keep it there to return to my house; then you and Miss Effie put your heads together and decide just what you want to do first with your money." Beryl rejoiced that it was a nice shiny taxi, quite like a real lady's car. She sniffed delightedly the leathery smell, sat bolt upright with her chin in the air. "Go straight down Fifth Avenue," she instructed the driver.

It was Marion who answered the question. "She is the very one. Norah thinks a great deal of her, in fact, is a little absurd about her." "Why shouldn't I be? Hasn't she done everything for us?" cried Norah, stoutly. "Then you have seen her," said Charlotte, delightedly. "Is she beautiful and everything as Mrs. Wellington said?" she looked at Marion. "Ask Miss Pennington."

His Grace, too, had heard Lady Fitz-pompey say that she was going early to the opera. Shortly afterwards parties evidently retired. But the debate still raged. Lord Fitz-pompey had caught a stout Yorkshire squire, and was delightedly astounding with official graces his stern opponent. A sudden thought occurred to the Duke; he stole out of the room, and gained the saloon. He found it almost empty.

Now the full splendor of the roses burst upon her, and a delightful gooseberry bush stood close by with purplish berries temptingly bobbing within reach. This obliging bush hid the hole, but left fine openings to see through; so the child popped her curly head out, and gazed delightedly at the chickens, the flowers, the fruit, and the unconscious old gentleman not far away.

'Now, listen! Your Uncle Mortimer and Aunt Isobel have said they will take care of you and True whilst I am away. Your Aunt wants you back in the old house, Bobby, and Miss Robsart is to go down there too, and go on teaching you till you've mastered your Latin declensions, and are ready for school. True clapped her hands delightedly, and a smile broke over Bobby's serious face.