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In other subjects, while able to stand and walk, great difficulty is experienced because of volar flexion of the phalanges. The more seriously affected animals are unable to stand and, in most instances, perish because of the effects of prolonged decubitus.

The patient maintained the dorsal decubitus with feebly flexed legs and hushed voice; the hands moved but slightly and trembled." "Occasionally there were spontaneous attacks of severe, tearing, abdominal pain, starting posteriorly in the lower right side."

In some, contraction exists to such extent that it is impossible for the colt to stand, and because of continual decubitus where no relief is given, the subject is lost because of gangrenous infection occasioned by bed sores. Otherwise the same symptoms are to be observed in this condition, that exist in contraction of tendons of the mature animal. Treatment.

The merchant was tympanitic from the first day of his prostration, which is not usual. On the fourth day his temperature was 104 degree F., pulse 120 to 136, mind clear but anxious. His lesser symptoms were about like the farmer's, with the exception that the merchant had been given more narcotics and presented more of the dorsal decubitus than the farmer.

"Toward evening the physician found the patient extremely ill, immovable in the active dorsal decubitus, with an anxious facial expression, reddened cheeks, cautious, superficial respiration with a low, hushed voice; he complained of continuous, also occasionally of marked tearing and contracting pains in the entire abdomen, most severe upon the right side low down; the temperature was 103.2 degree F., the pulse was 112, full, somewhat tense, regular and even.

Laymen, the plain everyday meaning of dorsal decubitus is lying on the back. In low forms of disease it is looked upon as an unfavorable symptom. Where much morphine has been given it denotes prostration peculiar to the drug. My patient was on his back for several days, because it is impossible for a patient to stay on either side while suffering from severe tympanites.