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Ah, I have been in de woods wid Massa Aaron, one time particular, when dem wery debils, Sambo Moses, Corromantee Tom, and Eboe Peter, took to de bush, at Crabyaw estate after breakfast ten black shot me was one, go out along wid our good massa, Massa Aaron.

Coon Dogs allee same debils killee you, killee me. Heap bad men!" We tried to assure him that the Coon Dogs were at heart rank curs. Mary shook his head: "I know. You see." The day passed. Night set in. About ten, Mary said, convincingly "Coon Dogs coming! Coon Dogs coming!" "No, no," said Ajax. I slipped out of the house.

Sumone sed: "Kathrun, sumthin' awful gwine happen", an' sumone else sez; "De' is de Yankees". De Yankee mens camp on ouah farm an' buyed ouah buttah, milk an' eggs. He sez he had a dream an' prayed, "I had bettah agone, but I prayed. No use let des debils take you, let God take you." We tote food an' papahs to Marse while he wuz a hidin'."

Anyways, I've kep' my word and done my duty. And I've found out somefin as all de crowners, and constables and law-fellows couldn't find out wid all deir larnin'. And dat is who kilt poor misfortunate Miss Ailsie, poor gal! And I've found out somefin worse 'an dat, dough people might think there couldn't be nothing worse; but deir is. And dat is dis deblish plot agin my ladyship. Oh, dem debils!

"My poor fellow," Vincent said kindly, "I am sorry to see you in such a state." A great sob broke from the black. "De Lord bless you, sah, for your goodness and for saving Dinah from de hands of dose debils! Now she safe wid you and de child, Tony no care bery much what come to him de sooner he dead de better.

'Run nigger run, de patterrollers ketch you Run nigger run, fer hits almos' day, De nigger run; de nigger flew; de nigger los' His big old shoe. "When de War come, Marse George went to fight back in Virginny. Us all thought de Yankees was some kin' of debils an' we was skeered to death of 'em.

Then he stooped down to the boys, and shook his fist in their faces, "You little debils, you call Sambo, I pound you to squash." The boys both leapt to their feet with an air of intense surprise and alarm, and began to cry out in Spanish. "No, can't be you," Sam said, "dis chile must be witched, no place for men to hide, sartin not dem boys.

"My poor fellow," Vincent said kindly, "I am sorry to see you in such a state." A great sob broke from the black "De Lord bress you, sah, for your goodness and for saving Dinah from de hands of dose debils! Now she safe wid you and de child, Tony no care berry much what come to him de sooner he dead de better.

We no want to pop into de middle of a village; if we do, de women begin to shriek, and de babies cry out, and tink dat white debils come among dem, and den de men come out and kill us." The doctor agreed to Nub's proposal, and they proceeded more cautiously than before. Walter pulled away at every young tree they met, and at last he found one which the doctor thought would suit their purpose.