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Woodbridge, which the guide-book in 1844 described as a thriving town and port—I question whether it is thriving nowis situated on the western bank of the Deben, about nine miles above the mouth of the river, and about eight miles to the north of Ipswich. Mr.

For years Edward FitzGerald had been accustomed to cruise about the Deben and down the river to Harwich in a small craft captained by one West. But in 1865 he was the owner of a smart fifteen-ton schooner, which he had had built for him by Harvey, of Wyvenhoe, two years previously, and of which Tom Newson was the skipper and his nephew Jack the crew.

In London we have a Woodbridge Street, in the neighbourhood of Clerkenwell Green, which points to a connection between the poorer part of the City and the picturesque Suffolk town on the banks of the Deben, and this gives me occasion to speak of Thomas Seckford, Esq., one of the masters of the Court of Requests, and Surveyor of the Court of Wards and Liveries in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

And he stuck to his guns and proved to be right. "West" has been mentioned before as being an old fellow with whom FitzGerald used to navigate the river Deben in a small boat before the building of the Scandal. Newson's wife, like Posh's, was often ailing.

There are several of these erections remaining to this day, and perhaps tradition is warranted in speaking of the spot as the site whereon the Danes and Saxons met in deadly fight. It is certain that the former frequently came up the Deben and the Orwell. At Martlesham you see a creek, richly wooded on both sides, which flows up from the River Deben.

Hay algunos que se mofarán de ellas, muchos que se encogerán de hombros, pero las mujeres no deben desalentarse por eso, porque ni la mofa ni el encogimiento de hombros son razones de peso.