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Building a self-governing nation that will stand the test of centuries is possible only for a people that is conscious of its community of interests, and is willing to sacrifice personal preferences and even personal profits for the common good. DEALEY: Development of the State, pages 26-48. BLUNTSCHLI: Theory of the State, pages 82-102. MULFORD: The Nation, pages 37-60.

In every case national or imperial authority is the court of last resort. BLISS: New Encyclopedia of Social Reform, art. "Anarchism." DEALEY: Development of the State, pages 127-234. WILSON: The State, pages 555-571. BLUNTSCHLI: Theory of the State, pages 61-73. Constitution of the United States.

"Reports of the National League for the Protection of the Family." POST: Ethics of Marriage and Divorce, pages 62-84. DEALEY: The Family in Its Sociological Aspects, pages 96-108. HOWARD: History of Matrimonial Institutions, III, pages 3-160. WILLCOX: The Divorce Problem. 85. =Sexual Impurity.= A prime factor in the breaking up of the home is sexual impurity.

ELLWOOD: Sociology in Its Psychological Aspects, pages 352-381. NEARING AND WATSON: Economics, pages 443-493. BLACKMAR AND GILLIN: Outlines of Sociology, pages 373-392. DEALEY: Sociology, pages 351-361. SKELTON: Socialism, pages 16-61. CARNEGIE: Problems of To-day, pages 121-139. 384. =Sociology vs. Social Philosophy.= Sociology is one of the recent sciences.

Such a marriage does not plant the seeds of discord and neighborly scandal or compel a speedy resort to the divorce court. DEALEY: The Family in Its Sociological Aspects, pages 12-84. HOWARD: History of Matrimonial Institutions, II, pages 388-497. GOODSELL: The Family as a Social and Educational Institution, pages 5-47.

Nothing more clearly illustrates the factors that enter into all human relations than the story of how the family came to be. HENDERSON: Social Elements, pages 62-70. ELLWOOD: Sociology and Modern Social Problems, 1913 edition, pages 74-82. BOSANQUET: The Family, pages 241-259. DEALEY: The Family in Its Sociological Aspects, pages 1-11.

It is the secret of social as well as individual progress, for it is a great personality that sways the group. It is the great boon of present life and the great promise of continued life hereafter. ROSS: Foundations of Sociology, pages 165-181. ELLWOOD: Sociology in its Psychological Aspects, pages 94-123. DEALEY: Sociology, pages 96-98, 200-230. NEARING AND WATSON: Economics, pages 60-98.

BRANDT AND BALDWIN: Family Desertion. DEALEY: The Family in Its Sociological Aspects, pages 85-95, 109-118. GOODSELL: The Family as a Social and Educational Institution, pages 456-477. HOWARD: History of Matrimonial Institutions, III, pages 239-250.

I and II. DEALEY, Sociology, Its simpler Teachings and Applications, Chap. For More Extended Reading: GIDDINGS, The Principles of Sociology, 3d edition. SMALL, General Sociology. SPENCER, The Study of Sociology. STUCKENBERG, Sociology: The Science of Human Society. WARD, Pure Sociology. American Journal of Sociology, many articles.

DEALEY: Development of the State, pages 63-115. Reports of the Commissioner of Education. 329. =The State and Its Sovereignty.= The various economic and social functions that are exercised by the people as a nation can be performed in an orderly and effective way only when the people are organized politically, and the nation has full powers of sovereignty.