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He said he did not care to make much of a blow about that part of it till he was ready to act, and he was not going to act till he had a dead-sure thing of it; he was having a very good time as it went along, and he guessed Miss Swan was too; no use to hurry a girl, when she was on the right track.

"Well, no, I haven't got the dough, as you call it, but I have the tickets, and the committee propose to sell them to their numerous friends. I tell you 'tis a dead-sure thing." "I notice in your expenses you allow nothing for your company." "The company have all volunteered. Most of them are amateurs." "And where does your humble servant come in?"

The lodge door was fastened with a rusty padlock, and the place looked ghoulish. I think we were all glad to get out of Tongass, though we received our best welcome there. At any rate, we sat on the beach and got our feet wet and our pockets full of sand waiting for the deliberate but dead-sure boatmen to row us to the ship.

He went below into his room, secured the old log of the M.C. Burns and the artificial horizon. Together they read the entries that Michael Burns had made. "Now, Elsa," said Code by way of explanation, "it was a dead-sure thing that Nat could never have beaten me in his schooner, and for two reasons: First, the May was a naturally faster boat than the old M.C., although Nat would never admit it.

The nurse had started back in alarm at the collie's angry demonstration. Now, gathering up her work, she retreated into the church. "I'm sorry, Miss!" Mahan shouted after her. "I never saw him that way, before, when a lady spoke to him. If it was any dog but old Bruce, I'd give him a whaling for acting like that to you. I'm dead-sure he didn't mean any harm."

He seen his duty, a dead-sure thing, And he went for it thar and then; And Christ ain't agoing to be too hard On a man that died for men. From "The Boy Orator of Zepata City" in "The Exiles and Other Stories." Copyrighted, 1894, Harper and Brothers. Reprinted with permission.

They know me here and I can call on her and take a friend, an old classmate, you see, without attracting much attention but it isn't safe for you to stay here long, somebody is dead-sure to identify you. They've had two or three pictures of you going around that really looked like you, and then your father coming up may let the secret out. We must be careful.

At the first clatter, she came out, basket on arm, and said: "Morra, bhoy, God's blessin' on ye!" "Morra, Mary, an' good luck t' ye," was my answer. I used to express my wonder that I couldn't turn this luck of a dead-sure variety into a pair of shoes for myself. Anna said: "Yer luck, dear, isn't in what ye can get, but in what ye can give!"

As if some profound and dead-sure instinct had sustained her, she waited, sickening. And on the last night of the third week she fainted. She had dragged herself upstairs to bed, staggered across the little landing and fallen on the threshold of her room. They kept her in bed next day. At one o'clock she refused her chicken-broth. She would neither eat nor drink.

I thought it was a dead-sure thing and I was hard up, and Kathleen wouldn't lend me any more. If Kathleen had only done the decent thing " A sudden flush of anger swept over Charley's face never before in his life had that face been so sensitive, never even as a child. Something had waked in the odd soul of Beauty Steele.