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Let Gros Jean and his Turks travel overland. We will beat them, too. Come, now, no more talk, but action. You, Fairholme, go ahead and prepare Daubeney. I will see to your luggage being packed. Talbot and I will join you in half an hour." "Eh! what is that?" broke in Sir Hubert. "Fairholme, Talbot, you what are Edith and I going to do?" "Mr.

"I have hardly ever seen one," he replied. "I take mighty good care to be far removed from my beloved country during the fog season." She sighed. "What it is to be a man and to be able to roam about the world unfettered." "It all depends upon the meaning of the word 'unfettered," said Daubeney. "Have you got any sisters, Miss Talbot?" They all laughed at this inconsequent question.

Whilst they were talking Fairholme took Daubeney on one side, and with Brett's permission gave him a detailed account of the whole affair. The Honourable James Daubeney was delighted to be mixed up in this international imbroglio. He told the earl that the Blue-Bell was at his disposal at any moment of the day or night she might be required.

Then mother made a fuss about this Daubeney girl my not being here and all that so I thought I'd come home and tell you I was going to marry you." "Oh, but you can't." Joan swung down from her appletree. "You and me? Why, what would your mother say?" "It isn't a case of would but will" Johnny said. "Mother will be very angry and for a considerable time. But that makes no difference.

An hour later the Blue-Bell was skimming merrily past the outer lighthouse in Marseilles bay. For a wonder, the Gulf of Lyons was not boisterous. They had a pleasant journey through the night, and Daubeney assured them that his handsome yacht was doing twelve knots an hour without being pressed.

Altogether Miss Talbot congratulated herself on Fairholme's discovery, and she could not help hoping that their strange errand to Marseilles might eventuate in a Mediterranean chase. When the tour of inspection had ended Daubeney suggested an excursion. "I understand you have never been to Marseilles before, Miss Talbot.

How much further this soliloquy might have proceeded he knew not, for Edith sharply interrupted his thoughts. "You seem to be preoccupied, Mr. Daubeney. What has happened?" she inquired. "I I really don't know." His distress was so unmistakable that her quick woman's wit divined the true cause.

It is situated a few miles east of Ilminster, in the hundred of South Petherton. Its exact age is uncertain, but it seems probable that it was built by Henry, Lord Daubeney, created Earl of Bridgewater in 1539, whose ancestors had owned the place since early Plantagenet times.

It is a most curious fact that young ladies in the engaged stage regard their fiancé's male friends with extreme suspicion; the more enthusiastic the man, the more suspicious the woman. Fairholme, sublimely unconscious of this feminine weakness, continued to dilate upon the superlative excellences of Daubeney until they reached the yacht itself.

So the English visitors found themselves in the midst of a number of laughing, light-hearted French sightseers. They wandered round with the crowd until Edith looked at her watch. "It is past twelve o'clock," she said. "Should we not be going back to the hotel to lunch? You will come with us, of course, Mr. Daubeney?"