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Kamal Mani had previously gone to Calcutta; therefore of the people mentioned in this narrative, Kunda Nandini alone was left in the Datta mansion, and the servant Hira remained in attendance upon her. Darkness fell on the large household.

'Not an improved one anyhow, said Mr Prothero with a gathering frown. 'Don't lecture to-night, Datta, bach; you shall have an hour on purpose to-morrow, when I promise to listen to edification. 'Pon my word it is pleasant to be at home again. How I long to sleep in my comfortable bed once more. Poor Mrs Prothero's countenance fell, and Netta looked malicious.

"We are fairies, you see, and we can do all sorts of wonderful things. It isn't even necessary for us to go where your dear ones are. We shall just wish them everything they want, and they will get it. And the first thing to be done is to give you some food. You must work for us in return, of course." Subha Datta at once replied, "I will do anything you wish."

Subha Datta was so astonished at the sight that he let his axe fall, and the noise startled the dancers, who all four stood still and stared at him. The woodcutter could not say a word, but just gazed and gazed at them, till one of them said to him: "Who are you, and what are you doing in the very depths of the forest where we have never before seen a man?"

Subha Datta however managed to get into the cottage without any accident, and then he began to take things out of the pitcher and fling them on the ground, shouting, "Am I a robber? Am I a robber? Who dared to call me a robber?" Then, getting more and more excited, he picked up the pitcher, and holding it on his shoulder began to dance wildly about.

We learn from the Introduction to the drama that Visakhadatta was the son of Prithu and grandson of Vatesvaradatta a Samanta or subordinate chief Professor Wilson was inclined to think that Maharaja Prithu might be the Chouhan Prince Prithu Rai of Ajmir; but he himself pointed out that the Chouhan Prince was never called Maharaja; and that the name Nateswara Datta would present a serious difficulty in the way of identifying the poet's father with the Chouhan Prince Prithu Rai of Ajmir.

"Non ha datta fora tal opera come cose composto da sua testa ma come cose ellette raccolte e copiate de diverse libri a penna." Quesiti et Inventioni, p. 127. Perhaps he wrote them down as an apology or a defence against the storm which he anticipated as soon as Tartaglia should have seen the new Algebra.

The letter ended, the Brahmachari asked, "What address shall I write?" Surja Mukhi replied, "When Haro Mani comes I will tell you." Haro Mani, having arrived, addressed the letter to Nagendra Natha Datta, and took it to the post-office.

Ananga said, "The woman does not know any songs; she could not even give us one of Dasu Rai's songs." Kanak said, "She does not understand time." Thus it appeared that Haridasi Boisnavi was not only extremely ugly, but that her singing was of the worst description. Haridasi Boisnavi, having left the house of the Datta family, went to Debipur.

"Very well then, take, the pitcher," they sadly answered, "and never let us see your face again!" So Subha Datta took the pitcher, carrying it very, very carefully, lest he should drop it and break it before he got home. He did not think at all of what a cruel thing it was to take it away from the fairies, and leave them either to starve or to seek for food for themselves.