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"Of a sort, stories for little children about fairies, usually. They don't amount to much." "I'll bet they're darn mighty good," said Wade, stoutly. "I wish they were 'darned good," she laughed. "If they were they'd sell better.

"Now, Collar, get on your horse and hurry 'em along, but don't ketch up with 'em if you can help it," said Peasley. "We've got them on the run now. They'll take to the woods an' be darn careful to keep out of sight." When the Constable had gone, Peasley said to Samson: "We'll drop these slaves at Nate Haskell's door. He'll take care of 'em until dark and start 'em on the north road.

He'd shoot up his whole darn family, too, and thieve their blankets, even if he didn't need 'em. He's quite a boy when you got him where you need him. Kars broke off listening acutely. He turned his head with that instinct of avoiding the night breeze. Bill, too, was listening, his watchful eyes turned northward. The moments grew. The splutter of rifle fire still haunted the night.

"Aw, let the darn little smart filly go," exclaimed Blinky, giving up in disgust. "I never wanted her nohow." "Cowboy, she's been my horse ever since you showed her to me," replied Pan. "But you didn't know it." "Wal, you hoss-stealin' son-of-a-gun!" ejaculated Blinky with pleasure. "If you want her, we shore will run her legs off."

"I been at large quite a bit in the last ten years and if she can prove that I ever supported her, why, darn her hide, what right has she got to accuse me of supportin' her when she knows I've never been guilty of doin' it? She knows as well as anything that she supported me on three different occasions when I was out for a month or two at a stretch.

I believe in it, Sally. It's a darn good play. With Elsa Doland in the big part, it couldn't fail." Sally started. Her money was too recent for her to have grown fully accustomed to it, and she had never realized that she was in a position to wave a wand and make things happen on any big scale.

"I've been terribly busy with the Gerald theatricals, and that's why you haven't seen me. I promised Mary Gerald two months ago that I'd be in 'em, but by George! she's leaving the whole darn thing to me! How are you?" So gay, so big, so infinitely dear! Susan's doubts melted like mist. She only wanted not to make him angry. "I've been wondering where you were," she said mildly.

It wasn't fair to Miss Conover." "It was my fault," volunteered Kitty. "Mine," protested Hawksley. "Well, they know where you roost now, for a fact. You've spilled the beans. I'm sorry I lost my temper. The devil fly away with you both!" The boy laughed. "You're game, anyhow. But darn it all, if anything had happened to you the boss would never have forgiven me.

The next day, when the study hour came, Esther took a large basket of stockings out into the woods with her to darn. "I must try and mend these again," she said.

"Now, Hannah, there you go again. How could you be my mother when you ain't but four year older'n I be? You just give me a few dollars and let me go to that Cattle Show and " "No, Kenelm, that I can't do. You are goin' to leave Mrs. Barnes' place; I want you to do that, for the sake of your self-respect. But you must stay there and help her tomorrow. It's your duty." "Darn my duty!