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Ye're sick, darlin'!... Tell me, Daddy, what air the matter? Tell Tessibel." She laid her hand tenderly on his chest. His heart was beating a heavy tattoo against the blue gingham shirt. "Ye hurt here?" she queried breathlessly. The pipe dropped to the soft sand, and Skinner's crooked fingers fell upon the profusion of red curls. Then he slowly tilted up her face.

Two other females now made their appearance, one with whom our readers are already acquainted. This was no other than the prophet's wife, who had for her companion a woman whom neither she herself nor any one present knew. "Mave Sullivan, darlin'," exclaimed the former, "I'm glad to see you. Are you goin' home, now?" "I am, Nelly," replied Mave, "jist on my step."

"We'll be as happy as the day's long," said he, "espichilly when heaven sends us a family; an' upon my troth a purty mother you'll make? suppose, darlin' love, you wondher how I got in to-night, but I tell you I've my wits about me; you don't know that it was I encouraged Biddy Nulty to go to live wid you, but I know what I was about then; Biddy it was that left the door open for me, an' that tould me the room you lay in, an' the place you keep your hard goold an' notes; I mintion these things to show you how I have you hemmed in, and that your wisest way is to submit without makin' a rout about it.

"I'm going to finish since I have begun," said Betty proudly. "Now please use this fan, Serena, and rest yourself, and I shall be ready in a few minutes. I'm having a beautiful good time. Which pitcher shall I take for the fresh water?" and out she went to the cool old well under the apple-tree. "Now was there ever such a darlin' gal," said sister Sarah, and Serena nodded her head.

I've bin thinkin' of Nancy in a way that I don't remember to have done before, an' the face of my darlin' Lucy, wi' her black eyes an' rosy cheeks so like her mother, is never absent from my eyes for a moment." "Want o' sleep," said the practical Evan. "You'd better turn in an' have a good spell as long as the calm lasts."

"Troth an' I am, Lilly darlin', and wish they were betther for your sake what's that I said? a present! oh the sorrow bit, I must have my payment aisy now, darlin', my own sweet Lilly; there now, we're clear." "Upon my word, Mr.

Och, I long to see Kathleen and the childher! But I'm fairly broken down, Frank, and hardly able to mark the ground; and, indeed, no wondher, if you knew but all: still, let God's will be done! Poor Kathleen, I must bear up afore her, or she'll break her heart; for I know how she loved the golden-haired darlin' that's gone from us. Och, and how did she go, Frank, for I left her betther?"

"'But Counsellor, darlin', give us a thrifle to dhrink your health with your first cause, and the Lord send you plenty of them! "'My first, said I, with a smile of most ineffable compassion at his simplicity; 'I'm worn out with them. Do you know, Peter, I was thinking seriously of leaving the bar, when you came into the room? Upon my conscience, it's in earnest I am.

"Oh, she's jes' dessame as she ever was, ain' she? She's her mudder's purty darlin' yit, ain' she? Lookut her, Jimmie! Come here, fer Gawd's sake, and lookut her." The loud, tremendous sneering of the mother brought the denizens of the Rum Alley tenement to their doors. Women came in the hallways. Children scurried to and fro. "What's up? Dat Johnson party on anudder tear?" "Naw!

You are poor, I understand?" "God he sees that, sir; and afflicted, too, plase your honor." "Afflicted? How is that?" "I had a son, sir a blessed boy! a darlin' boy! once our comfort, an' once we thought he'd be our pride an' our staff, but"