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Jackson hooked a quid out of his mouth and sent it overboard. His face of mutiny left him, and was replaced by an expression of gratitude. Five minutes later the old Hindoo Merchant was thrusting through it with her nose heading for the river Hooghley, and the darkeys tying a single reef in the foretopsail. The Strange Tragedy of the "White Star."

He wore that air of mystery so dear to darkeys. "Gemmen to see you, Miss Jinny." "A gentleman!" she said in surprise. "Where?" The negro pointed to the lilac shrubbery. "Thar!" "What's all this nonsense, Ned?" said Clarence, sharply: "If a man is there, bring him here at once." "Reckon he won't come, Marse Clarence." said Ned, "He fearful skeered ob de light ob day.

Rache gave gourds and a cymbling bowl; Eph, a string of red-pepper; the other little darkeys, gifts of maple sugar, walnuts and hickorynuts; while Aunt Dink presented a large blue-flowered platter which until now had been the chief ornament of the chest of drawers in her cabin, and was none the less precious to her because of the big crack through the middle and the nick out of one corner.

This one might have seen as many years as had Major Talbot. "I be bound you don't know me, Mars' Pendleton," were his first words. The Major rose and came forward at the old, familiar style of address. It was one of the old plantation darkeys without a doubt; but they had been widely scattered, and he could not recall the voice or face.

Every time the Indians would make a charge at us, the darkeys would cry out: "Heah dey cum;" "Dey must be ten thousand ob 'em;" "De whole country is alive wid 'em;" "Massa Bill, does you tink we is eber agoin' to get out o' heah?" and many other similar expressions.

"No, I'm not in a mood for parties these days." "But I 've never had a chance to dance with you since you taught me to waltz." "Horrible deprivation! Can you still do the cake walk I taught you?" "Yes, and so can Miss Lady! Isn't it funny? She says it 's the one the darkeys dance at the picnics up at Thornwood! Come on, Miss Lady; let 's show them!"

Bending over breathlessly to make sure that the unsuspecting Ivy was asleep, he nailed her little pink dress to the floor with a row of rusty tacks. Then cautiously replacing the bit of broken brick, he made for the door, upsetting Bud in his hasty leave-taking. Over in the briar-patch, out of sight of the house, two happy little darkeys played all the afternoon.

Once `Mr Bim' got in a roundabout blow that landed on Mick's left cheek, which drew blood, and sent him all of a stagger into the corner where the signalman and I stood officiating as bottle-holders. This raised a wild yell of excited enthusiasm from all the assembled darkeys, both ladies and gentlemen alike. "Golly, dat fetch um, Bim!" they shouted. "Gib um goss, Bim!

Thrifty hotel guides take tourists there and tell them it is "the only real Bohemian restaurant in San Francisco," and when the outlanders see the antics of the people and listen to the ribald jests and bad music of the darkeys, they go back to their hotels and tell with bated breath of one of the most wonderful things they have ever seen, and it is one of the wonderful things of their limited experience.

Well, there's no one that carries news, but there is a little nig who used to take him a pack of lies every day," replied Jack, "and I know who it is. That was what I meant when I told those two darkeys awhile ago that I could put my hand on the talebearer in less than ten minutes. It's Julius." "Jack, you are certainly dreaming," exclaimed Marcy, growing more and more amazed.