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I daresay you don't see anything in it, but I'd sooner have these pictures than those down-stairs. I love the picture of the windmill on the first landing 'Then why not have it? I'll have it taken down at once. 'No; I could not think of taking it. How would the landing look without it?

She finds the 'ouse a bit dull, I daresay, so durin' the season she stops mostly with Lydy Mary Percy, at Grosvenor Square. Lydy Mary's a h'only sister."

"He's gone on before," answered Frank, surprised and confused at this treatment. "Oh, I daresay," said Andrew, giving him a shake. "And I suppose you don't even know what he's got in his pocket. You're a nice young innercent. You jest come along with me."

"I suppose so. You see it was this way: we were talking about certain swabs of whom we were ashamed, and he mentioned you." "Don't tell him I am here," said Bob quietly. "Why?" "Never mind don't; I daresay he will find out soon enough." "Anyhow," said Pickford, "he is awfully popular with himself just now; I hear he is certain to be a Major in a few days, and will be Colonel in no time.

I daresay the Esquimaux would join with you in the wish, however, for their kayaks and oomiaks are better adapted for a calm than a stormy sea." "Tom," said Fred, breaking another long silence, "you're very tiresome and stupid to-night, why don't you talk to me?" "Because this delightful dreamy evening inclines me to think and be silent." "Ah, Tom! that's your chief fault.

Mrs Snow assented, and Graeme went on. "I suppose I might do more of that sort of work caring for poor people, I mean, by joining societies, and getting myself put on committees, and all that sort of thing, but I don't think I am suited for it, and there are plenty who like it. However, I daresay, that is a mere excuse.

These forests are average and I'd like to say to the Skandinavia, 'you've got to figger results on the average. We're cutting down to the minimum because we've got to, to feed the booms right. Well, that's goin' on if I know my job. There's patch stuff better. I daresay there's new ground on our limits liable to hand us Shagaunty stuff. But that's just as I say, patch stuff, an' not average.

'Don't you? It would be so nice, and I am sure we should be great, great friends you and Bessie and I. 'And not Jass? said Frances. 'I shouldn't like to be a boarder unless Jass was too. Then, I daresay, I wouldn't mind. 'We'd like to be friends with Jacinth too, said Margaret, 'but Bessie and I don't think she cares very much about being great friends.

I will not allow you to come into my room, if I have to kill myself to prevent it. No, you must not kiss me either; I daresay that I have begun to be infectious. Good-bye, father, till we meet again somewhere else, for I am sure that we do not altogether die.

Why should two people who've done each other the best turn they could by getting out of each other's way at the right moment behave like sworn enemies ever afterward? It's too absurd; the humbug's too flagrant. Whatever our generation has failed to do, it's got rid of humbug; and that's enough to immortalize it. I daresay Nelson and Ellie never liked each other better than they do to-day.