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"Faix, I'm sorry myself," said Jemmy, "for Terry O'Sullivan said it was an iligant place intirely, an' I wanted to see it." "To the divil wid Terry O'Sullivan," said Barny; "how does he know what's an iligant place? What knowledge has he of iligance! I'll go bail he never was half as far a navigatin' as we, he wint the short cut, I go bail, and never dar'd for to vinture the round, as I did."

Others, that he might have retreated to his own Court, and capital City, and taking possession of the Citadel, which was his own, might so have aw'd the Citizens who were infinitely Rich, and Numerous, with the apprehensions of having their Houses burnt, they would not have dar'd to have declar'd for his Enemies, for fear of being reduc'd to heaps and ruins; and that at last he might have set the City on Fire in 500 Places, and left the Solunarian Church-Men a Token to remember their Non-Resisting Doctrine by, and yet have made an easy Retreat down the Harbour, to other Forts he had below, and might with ease have destroy'd all the Shipping, as he went.

"Have you told me when you built this house of yours?" "T'ought I hahd. Done dat ar workmanship dis mornin', arter all de Injines had gone. T'ought dar'd be somebody 'long dis way afore long." "There has been nothing saved," said the Lieutenant, looking around and speaking apparently to himself.

Oh, young massar, if you'd just call a meetin' ob de clerks in dis store, and read and 'spound to 'em sometime in dis way, dar'd be a better set in old massar's bizness, to say the least." "Your master's clerks all seem to be well-disposed young men, I'm sure, Jeff I never see them commit a wrong."

I tell him many's the time it's in the asylum he should be, but sure, you might as well talk to the potstick as talk to him. He'll drive you to the station with a heart an' a han', and the capers of him when you both come back'll be like nothin' on God's earth!" "So long as he doesn't capsize us both into the ditch!..." "Him capsize you! I'd warm his lug for him if he dar'd to do such a thing!..."

Gay. This is the first thing in Petticoats that ever dar'd me in vain. Were I but sure she were but human now for sundry Considerations she might down but I will on SCENE IV. A Chamber in the Apartments of L. Fulbank. Enter Old Woman followed by Gayman in the dark. Gay. Hah, Musick and Excellent! Gay. What the Devil can all this mean?

It was a pretty picture; the smiling rosy face of the girl looking down upon her father, as he stooped over the barrel adjusting the hoop, his white curling hair falling over her slender arms. Just then the door was flung open, and Mrs. rushed in like a fury. "Katrine, where are you?" "Here, mother," said the child, very quietly. How dar'd you to leave the cradle widout my lave?"

I do not wonder thou canst lye, for thou'rt a Coward! Didst not thou draw upon him? Is not thy Sword yet out? Did I not see thee fierce, and active too, as if thou hadst dar'd? Sir Tim. Why, he's gone, Sir; a Pox of all Mistakes and Masqueradings I say this was your Plot, Sham. Char. Coward! Shew then thy Face. Sir Tim. Char. Shew thy Face without delay, or Sir Tim. My Face, Sir!

"Not for a day or two. Why?" she asked, glancing quickly down at him. "Oh, nuffin', only I wuz afeared dar'd been somethin' bad a gwine on dar, right lately." "What do you mean, Charles?" she asked, bending down and speaking anxiously. "Don't say nuffin' 'bout it, Miss Mollie dey don't know nuffin' 'bout it in h'yer," nodding toward the house, "but de Ku Kluckers was dar las' night."

'Sides dat, ef he didn't hurt none on 'em dey know he seed an' heerd 'em, an' so'll be afeared ter let up on him on dat account." "I'd like to see the men that would take him out of my house!" said Le Moyne, indignantly. "Dar'd jes be two men killed instead ob one, ef yer should," said the other, dryly. "Perhaps you're right," said Le Moyne, thoughtfully. "The men who did this will do anything.