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The defeat of the Danish giant is said to have been achieved in a meadow to the north of the city, named from that occurrence "Danemark Mead"; and we are told also that the Dane's sword was to be seen in the Cathedral treasury down to the reign of James I. Be this as it may, we do know that in the eighth year of Edward I a writ of right was brought by the King against the Abbot of Hyde, to recover land usurped in the north suburb of the city, called "Denemarche", and judgment was given for the crown.

Guillelmus Neubrigensis, de rebus Anglicis, lib. 2. cap. 6. 8. Munter, Kirchengeschichte V. Danemark und Norwegen. Buch 2. tom. 2. Munter, ibid. Torfaeus, Hist. Rer. Norweg. pars. 3. lib. 9. cap. 12. Munter, &c., ibid. Joannes Magnus, Hist. Gott. lib. 18. cap. 17.

I, Portugal et Espagne , and Vol. II, Neerlande et Danemark, 17e et 18e siecle ; Alfred Zimmermann, Die europaischen Kolonien, the main German treatise, in 5 vols. Much illustrative source-material is available in the publications of the Hakluyt Society, Old Series, 100 vols.

Nouveau Voyage vers le Septentrion. Amsterdam, 1708. 12mo. The customs, religion, character, domestic life, &c. of the Norwegians and Laplanders are here sketched in an interesting and pleasant manner. Lettres sur le Danemark. Par Mallet. Genève, 1767. 2 vols. 8vo.