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"Oh, that's all right," said Courtenay, "come along now." "When we find your bunch," said Rawbon as they moved off, "if you could make some sort of excuse out loud, and fade from the scene a minute and leave me there with the men, I'll sure get some of the dandiest snaps I'd wish. I reckon it'll satisfy the crowd if I promise to send 'em copies.

Let me know and I'll have waffles." The cabinet-maker came to the foot of the steps to ask about the lame knee, and shook his head in sympathy with Maurice's doleful face. Colonel Parton, a tall, gray-mustached man, accompanied by two hunting dogs, hailed him: "Not going with the boys? Ah, I forgot your knee. Too bad! Jack's got the dandiest new fishing-rod you ever saw."

"Phil, let me see." The words were plain coaxing then. "Here." And he drew from his pocket a robin's egg. "Philip Reist! Where did you get that?" The girl's voice was stern and loud. "Ach, I found the dandiest nest out on one of the cherry trees and I know you like dinky birds and thought I'd get you an egg. There's three more in the nest; I guess that's enough for any robin.

Say, Lizzie, I've got a new dog, and I hitch him to my sleigh, and oh, say, he's the dandiest fun " But Elizabeth was not listening. She was too much overcome by the wonderful news. Mrs. Jarvis, the fairy god-mother, who had always seemed unreal, was really and truly there in the flesh! She could scarcely believe it.

And Jo Brackenbury, the dandiest rip, the noisiest pal that ever said 'Here's how! went out to heaven on a tearing sea." "Jo Brackenbury " Roscoe repeated musingly. His head was turned away from us. Roscoe's face looked haggard as it now turned towards us. "If you will meet me," he said to the stranger, "to-morrow morning, in Mr.

We'll speak about that another day; just now we've got to hustle round and get my clothes packed in the next hef hour. Just the dandiest things I've got. I'm going to have a real gay time in a hotel in London, Mury, with some friends from home, so I must be as smart as I know how. ... Get out the big dress basket, and we'll hold a Selection Committee right here on the bed."

That was their bluff; but they'd come herealong for one good pure white dioceesan thing before all, and that was to see the dandiest horse-racing which ever infested the West. Come he come like that!"

And Jo Brackenbury, the dandiest rip, the noisiest pal that ever said 'Here's how! went out to heaven on a tearing sea." "Jo Brackenbury " Roscoe repeated musingly. His head was turned away from us. Roscoe's face looked haggard as it now turned towards us. "If you will meet me," he said to the stranger, "to-morrow morning, in Mr.

They 'sputed on the tower of Babel and the Lord say 'Confound you! Miss Cecilia 'splained it all to me and she's 'bout the dandiest 'splainer they is." "You may tell your tale now, Jimmy," said Lina. "I'm going to tell 'bout William Tell 'cause he's in the Bible," said Jimmy. "Once they's a man name' " "William Tell isn't in the Bible," declared Lina.

"I'm not to tell you what we've really come for till Allison comes, because I've promised; and anyway he's the man, and he wants to tell you himself; but it's the dandiest reason, perfectly peachy! It's really a plan. And say, Cloudy, dear, won't you promise me right here and now that you will say 'Yes' to what he asks you if you possibly, possibly can?" Julia Cloud promised in a maze of delight.