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In rainy weather they sit round the fire, smoking, gossiping and working on some tool, a club or a fine basket. Each clan has its own gamal, which is strictly taboo for the women, and to each gamal belongs a dancing-ground like the one described. On Vao there are five, corresponding to the number of clans. Near by are the dwelling-houses and family enclosures.

On the north there was the delicious country of the Hyperboreans, beyond the reach of winter; in the west the garden of the Hesperides, in which grew apples of gold; in the east the groves and dancing-ground of the sun; in the south the country of the blameless Ethiopians, whither the gods were wont to resort.

When they finally appeared on the dancing-ground, the singer had already gone and now, summer and winter, year in and year out, they keep their white dresses on, to be prepared, when Orpheus returns and the lute sounds again." A cross-bill was perched on a bough in a pine-wood, and the jester said that this bird was a very peculiar species.

He strode on before me till we reached the great village of his ancestors. His followers, armed largely with muskets as well as native weapons, filled one half the Village Square or dancing-ground. Miaki, Nouka, and their whole party sat in manifest terror upon the other half.

At full speed a large body of the tallest and most powerful men that I had seen on Tanna came rushing on and filled the dancing-ground. They were all armed, and flushed with their success in war. A messenger had informed them of our escape, probably from Miaki, and they had crossed the country to intercept us.

John, who knew that this season was the time for all fairy-people to come abroad, could now no longer contain himself, but the day after the festival he slipped away to the Nine-hills, and when it grew dark laid himself down on the top of the highest of them, which Klas had told him was the principal dancing-ground of the underground people.

Where could there be a more perfect opportunity than here in the heart of Beechwood Forest in their own "Choros," or dancing-ground? The figure approaching was not a girl's. At some distance off Tory recognized Lance McClain. He was strolling calmly along in the most unconcerned fashion, a book open in his hand. Now and then he glanced down and read a few lines.

When they finally appeared on the dancing-ground, the singer had already gone and now, summer and winter, year in and year out, they keep their white dresses on, to be prepared, when Orpheus returns and the lute sounds again." A cross-bill was perched on a bough in a pine-wood, and the jester said that this bird was a very peculiar species.

For the Cretan King he wrought many wonderful works, rearing for him the Labyrinth, and the Choros, or dancing-ground, which, as Homer tells us, he 'wrought in broad Knossos for fair-haired Ariadne. But for his share in the great crime of Pasiphae Minos hated him, and shut him up in the Labyrinth which he himself had made.

"Do go and look about for them; they have gone to the dancing-ground. Tell them not to be too wild, or else they will catch cold." Paul rose. "I will go with you," said Elsbeth. "May I not come too, little cousin?" asked cousin Leo. "You had better remain here," she answered, lightly, whereupon he declared he should be obliged to kill himself for grief.