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The doctors declared that she had been raped and the case looked ugly for the accused. The child died. The ignorant little mother wanted money to go to Memphis and first thing we knew she had signed a "retraction" and had a ticket to Mike Conolly's town. Who bought it and why! Damfino.

Arizona had the customary territorial equipment of a governor, certain other officials constituting the cabinet, and a secretary. Nine men out of the dozen Americans in the only approach to a town it then possessed Tucson would have said "Damfino" if asked who was the secretary, but all men knew the sheriff.

"Rather. But perhaps I should tell you that the church does not approve of the place where we are going. They er sell wine there you know; also that amber liquid with the er froth on it." "And why not wine?" "Damfino I mean Oh, you'll have to ask Brother Cranfill. I s'pose because old Noah jagged up on it." "Noah who?"

"I'm ready any time you are, sir," Multhaus said, easing himself into a chair. "We'll have a cigarette and then run 'em through." Keku settled his bulk into a chair and fired up a cigarette. Mike sat on the edge of the table. "Philip Keku," Mike said musingly. "Just out of curiosity, what kind of a name is Keku?" "Damfino," said the lieutenant. "Sounds Oriental, doesn't it?"

Racey nodded. "Marie jump Jack again, do you know?" he asked. "Damfino. Don't guess so, though. I seen her pass him on Main Street, and she didn't even look at him." "I'll bet he looked at her." "You can gamble he did. He ain't trustin' her, not him. I wonder what was at the bottom of the fuss between him an' her?" A sharp glance at Racey accompanied this remark. "I dunno," yawned Racey.

"Oh, he's all right he's mighty fine fellow come in wisout in invitation ol' friend my sister called called her Hope you fool, Bart Hawley, think my sister Christie Christie damfino the name my sister, Hope don't want yer money my my new friend, he 'll stake me he knows my sister Hope." The gambler grasped the speaker, shaking him into some slight semblance of sobriety.

The old showman we had befriended seemed crushed. When our money was nearly all gone to the confounded Indians, and the sun was going down, he went up to pa and said: "Uncle, what does this all mean? I thought your horses could run." Pa said: "Damfino, I never was no horse racer, nohow."

The camels and the elephants crowded in for the nice green lunch, and the farmer's wife came out with her apron waving, and said "Shoo," but none of the animals shooed worth a cent, and pa pulled on the lines, and yelled, while the rest of the parade came into the farm and lined up. The drivers yelled at pa to know where in thunder he was going, and pa said: "Damfino."

"How'd y' come to send him here?" asked Mrs. Bacon, nodding toward Pill. "Damfino! I kind o' liked him no nonsense about him," answered Bacon, going into temporary eclipse behind his hands as he washed his face at the cistern.

Pill seized the can of milk, saying, with a twang: "Show me the way that I may walk therein," and, accompanied by the laughing girl, made rapid way to the pig-pen just as the old man set up a ferocious shout to call the hired hand out of the corn-field. "How'd y' come to send him here?" asked Mrs. Buttles, nodding toward Pill. "Damfino!