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At that same place had grown up a dwelling with a fortress, and there was the brown bull that Meave heard the report of. She sent, therefore, and her embassy bore orders to Dairé, the owner of the bull, asking that the bull might be sent to her for a year, and offering fifty heifers in payment.

The King and Queen took up their abode in the city; and the houses of Jean Daire were, it appears, granted to the Queen perhaps, because she considered the man himself as her charge, and wished to secure them for him and her little daughter Margaret was, shortly after, born in one of his houses. Eustache de St.

Daire asked his servants what Patrick said. They answered, "Gratzicum." "This is little reward for a good offering and a good caldron," said Daire. He ordered his cauldron to be brought to him. "Deo gratias," said Patrick. Daire asked what Patrick said when they were bringing the caldron from him.

And for to go to the Mount of Sinai, before that men go to Jerusalem, they shall go from Gaza to the Castle of Daire. And after that, men come out of Syria, and enter into wilderness, and there the way is full sandy; and that wilderness and desert lasteth eight journeys, but always men find good inns, and all that they need of victuals. And men clepe that wilderness Achelleke.

Daire was angry at this, and ordered his servants to plunder the cleric, and expel him from his place i.e., the ferta. A colic seized on Daire immediately, so that death was near him. His wife recalled the plunder of Patrick, and told Daire that the cause of his death was the attack on Patrick. She sent messengers to beg prayer-water for Daire from Patrick.

This hill, called in the old days the Hill of the Willows, was only two miles from the famous fortress of Emain of Maca. It was a gift from the ruler Dairé, who, like so many other chiefs, had felt and acknowledged the Messenger's power.

Amen. I beseech the mercy of God, through the intercession of Patrick. May we all reach that union; may we deserve it; may we inhabit it for ever and ever. Essa and Bite and Tassach were his three artists. His three embroiderers were Lupait, and Ere, daughter of Daire, and Cruimthiris in Cenn-Gobha.

Cuculain laid Ferdiad down there, bowing over his body in faintness and weakness. But the charioteer cried to him, "Rise up, Cuculain, for the host is coming upon us, and it is not single combat they will give thee, since Ferdiad, son of Daman, son of Dairé, has fallen before thee!" "Friend," Cuculain made answer, "what avails it for me to rise after him that has fallen by me?"

Daire and his wife then went with his submission to Patrick, and gave Patrick the caldron willingly back again, and the hill which he before asked; and Patrick accepted and blessed them, and founded a church in that place called Ard-Macha. Patrick and his divines, and Daire, with the nobles of Airther besides, came to the hill to mark out its boundaries, and to bless it, and consecrate it.

The taunt stung Dairé, after his hospitality, and in wrath he sent them forth empty-handed, and so they came slighted to Meave. The queen, conceiving her honor impeached, would by no means suffer the matter so to rest, but stirred up wrath and dissension, till the armies of Connacht with their allies set forth to sack and burn in Ulad, and at all hazards to bring the brown bull.