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Nay, some gentlemen are so silly, that they shall carry on an underhand affair with their friend's servant-maid, to their own disgrace, and the ruin of many a young creature. Nothing is more base and ungenerous, yet nothing more common, and withal so little taken notice of. D-n me, Jack, says one friend to another, this maid of yours is a pretty girl, you do so and so to her, by G-d.

When he beheld nothing but stockades and bastions, calculated for defense against naked savages, he felt an emotion of indignant surprise, mingled with something of the ludicrous. "Is this the fort," cried he, "about which I have heard so much talking? D-n me, but I'd batter it down in two hours with a four pounder!"

"But, tell him the lad may bleed to death." "I did." "And what did he say?" "Why, only, 'D-n him; what do I care?" It ended, however, in his sending one of his sons, who, though not brought up to "the surgering trade," was able to do what was necessary in the way of bandages and plasters.

That is the reason why the affair had to be conducted in such a roundabout manner." "All this is beyond me," Mr. Heseltine-Wrigge said, hoarsely. "I don't care a d-n who has the ships in the end so long as I get my money!" "But you would not get your money," Peter pointed out, "because there will be no ships.

He shut his face out for a moment, with the hand that again wandered over his forehead, and then it lowered on Redlaw, reckless, ruffianly, and callous. "Why, d-n you!" he said, scowling round, "what have you been doing to me here! I have lived bold, and I mean to die bold. To the Devil with you!"

So, in a hazy way, thought Lewis Stoutley when he felt a hand laid on his shoulder, and heard the voice of Antoine Grennon. "Monsieur! Monsieur!" said the guide. "G-t long. D-n borer me," murmured Lewis, in tones so sleepy that the dash of crossness was barely perceptible. "It is time to rise, sir," persisted Antoine. "'Mposs'ble 'v jus' b'n two min'ts sl-e "

They're my children! At this moment she heard a stentorian voice call to some one, 'Wait a minute till the firemen get here, and they'll go for him! Come back, girl, d-n you! you shan't go! 'Wait? No!

The other fellow is a deserter, a gipsy, and an outlaw. Meg Merrilies, d-n her, is dead. These infernal bills! Hatteraick brought them with him, I suppose, to have the means of threatening me or extorting money from me. I must endeavour to see the rascal; must get him to stand steady; must persuade him to put some other colour upon the business.

But concluding at length that he had arrived long before me, through the slowness of my early progress, and had gone further up the river thinking perhaps that I had meant some other place I gave him up; and, full of internal 'd-n' at his incorrigible consistency, plodded on and on for I knew not where. Why, it may be asked, did I not try to cross where I had intended?

I see! beg your pardon, gentlemen!" Mr. Stubbs whispers, and bows, and shuts the door quickly. "An infernal affair this, Judge! D-n me if I wouldn't as soon be in the dock. It will all get out tomorrow," interposes Mr. Snivel, facetiously. "Blast these improper associations!" the high functionary exclaims, fussily shrugging his shoulders, and wiping the sweat from his forehead.