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Words are wanting to express the dignified look of injured innocence with which the man replied "I I've had no d-drink. Nosh a d-drop!" "Yes, truly you are a man and a brother," muttered Rooney, as he noted this "touch of nature," and felt that he was in the company of "kin." "What's your name, you walrus?" "K-Kazho," answered the man indignantly. "What!" "K-Ka-zho," he repeated, with emphasis.

"Everyb-body's down on him," she sobbed, "just because he has to d-drink sometimes on account of his lungs. I didn't know you were so mean." "Will you pass the word not to see him again before he leaves in the morning?" "Indeed, I won't!" Sandy stopped the horse. "Then I'll wait till you do." She tried to take the lines, but he held her hands. Then she declared she would walk.

Tol' 'im he'd get hung if he have a d-drink?" The loose-jointed one would, and so would his neighbors. The Captain glanced back at them, gave a contemptuous lift to his upper lip and faced again to the front. Dade uncoiled his riata with aimless, fumbling fingers and swung the noose facetiously toward the bottle, uptilted over the eager mouth of a weazened little Irishman.

"I s-suppose I c-can make some," he said, turning into the cabin. "Don't they give us tea? Do we have to make our own?" "Oh no but I've done this trip before, and know how one w-wants a d-drink in the tropics." He took the door in his hand and fumbled with the faulty catch as though he would shut it.

'Take, eat; this is my body. And we must d-drink the wine out of the s-s-same glass, you know yes, that is right. 'Do this in remembrance " She put down the glass. "Don't!" she said, with almost a sob. He looked up, and took her hands again. "Hush, then! Let us be quiet for a little bit. When one of us dies, the other will remember this.

Reeling in the saddle, he came up with the stragglers, singing and marking time with a half-empty bottle of whisky. The few who knew him looked at one another askance. "Say, Hunter, ain't yuh got any feelin's? That there's your pardner on the hoss," one loose-jointed miner expostulated. "Sure, I got feelin's! Have a d-drink?" Dade leered drunkenly at the speaker. "Jack's no good anyway.