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At his elbow stood a stockily-built man, dressed with severe plainness. "You're Lincoln Ferris?" queried the stranger, more as if stating aggressively a fact than making an inquiry. "Yep," said Link, cross at this annoying break-in upon his trance of happiness. "What d'j' want?" he added.

He was indeed a very ancient man, though very nattily dressed from spotless collar to shiny patent leather shoes, a small, dandified, bright-eyed man whose broken nose and battered features bore eloquent testimony to long and hard usage. "'Ook it!" he croaked, with square bony jaw fiercely outthrust. "We don't want no peanuts 'ere, d'j 'ear?

You may consider yourself before the Bar of Justice, and reply to my questions accordingly." Awed by this thundered preamble, Ferris made shift to mutter: "I ain't broke no laws. What d'j' want of me, anyhow?" "First of all," proceeded Marden, "where did you get that dog?" "Chum here?" said Ferris. "Why, I come acrost him, early last spring, on the patch of state road, jes' outside of Hampton.

Chum ain't black, nor nowheres near black. So I knowed it couldn't be him. What d'j' want of me, anyhow?" he demanded once more. "Again, I am disposed to credit your explanation," boomed the colonel, frowning down a ripple of giggles that had its rise in Miss Gault. "And I am disposed to acquit you of consciously dishonest intent. I am glad to do so. Here is the situation: Early last spring, Mr.

"Don't gape like a perishin' fish; come on up-stairs an' knock the Guv'nor down like 'e tells ye an' 'arves on the money, mind; it was me as taught ye all you know or ever will, so 'arves on the money, Joe, 'arves on the money. Come on, Joe d'j 'ear?" "Crumbs!" said Joe. "Look at 'im.

"What d'j' you pay for Chum when you bought him off'n that Hudson River feller that Glenmuir chap?" he demanded. "Why, as a matter of fact," responded Gault, "as Colonel Marden has told you, I couldn't have hoped to get such a promising collie at any price it "

"Why, you old thievin' vagabone!" gasped Joe, as Ravenslee gravely handed over the money. "Vagabone yourself!" said the Old Un, counting the bills over in trembling fingers. "The Guv wants a bath take 'im away 'ook it, d'j 'ear?" "Has Patterson got everything ready, Joe?" enquired Ravenslee, taking up his clothes. "No, sir," mumbled Joe, "but I'll have ye bath ready in a jiffy, sir."

"What d'j' you pay for him?" insisted Link, his voice harsh and unconsciously domineering as a vague new hope dawned on his troubled mind. "I paid six hundred dollars," answered Gault shortly, in annoyance at the boor's manner. "Good!" approved Link, "That gives us suthin' to go on. I'll pay you six hundred dollars fer him back.