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I suspect there must have been somewhere "un guerriero qualunque" so constructed that his head could be cut off, and that he had been disguised as and substituted for the Duca d'Avilla when Ferrau appeared to kill that warrior, for, without trickery, no sword in the teatrino, not even la Durlindana, could have cut off a head which had an iron rod running through it.

For this the Spanish government, in 1514, gave secret orders to D'Avilla, Governor of Castila del Oro, and to Juan de Solis, the navigator, to determine whether Castila del Oro were an island, and to send to Cuba a chart of the coast, if any strait were possible. For this, De Solis visited Nicaragua and Honduras; and later, led far to the south, perished in the La Plata.

I was next introduced to Galafrone, the father of Angelica, who also wore a crown, and to two valorous knights, Sacripante, King of the Circassians, and the Duca d'Avilla. There were more than two hundred marionettes altogether, including Turkish and Spanish soldiers. The knights and ladies were kept in green holland bags to preserve them from the dust, and taken out as they were wanted.

There was only one in the house, posted up near the box-office; we went and inspected it Per questa sera dara 2 recite la prima alle 5.5 la seconda alle 8 Pugna fra Sacripante e il Duca d'Avilla Ferrau uccide Medoro e acquista Angelica Morte di Sacripante per mani di Ferrau Morte di Angelica.

She might have made better terms had she not opened negotiations by telling him she was very rich, but it was a matter of life or death and she was reckless, knowing that Ferrau was after her. Sacripante and the Duca d'Avilla were after Ferrau and presently caught him up and attacked him. He fought with them both at once and killed one of them in a minute and a half.

Angelica, however, with her quick, womanly instinct, mistrusted the knights and, taking her husband aside, proposed that they two should depart by stealth and escape to Cathay, leaving Sacripante and the Duca d'Avilla asleep. Medoro demurred, saying it was a very good inn and he was quite comfortable where he was.

I recognized Medoro when his vizor was up because he was a black man, but Sacripante and the Duca d'Avilla were so much alike that I did not know which was fighting and which was standing with Angelica looking on; say it was Sacripante that was fighting, being king of the Circassians he was probably entitled to precedence over a mere duke.

This is what I gathered: Angelica had come from far Cathay with the express intention of sowing discord among the paladins by inducing them to fall in love with her, and at the present moment Sacripante and the Duca d'Avilla were her victims.

With the exception of myself, every one in the theatre knew which he killed, for they knew all the knights as they came on. Let us again give Sacripante the precedence and suppose that he was killed first. Ferrau went on fighting with the Duca d'Avilla and both were hard at work when the curtain fell.