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"Les grandes découvertes, les méditations de la pensée dans les arts, dans les sciences et dans les lettres, en un mot les travaux désintéresses de l'esprit dans tous les genres, les centres d'enseignement propres

The learned author, who is usually liberal in his citation of authorities, here confines himself to the Voyage de Decouvertes of Peron and Freycinet, the Voyage of Flinders, and the collection of documents in the seven volumes of the Historical Records of New South Wales all works of first-class importance, but none of them bearing out the broad general statements as to the First Consul's plans and intentions.

Described in De Sarzec's Découvertes en Chaldée, pp. 216, 217. For other specimens, see ib. pp. 106, 171; and see also Hilprecht, Old Babylonian Inscriptions, i. 2. p. 39, note. Inscription D, col. iii, 1-12. See Winckler's note, Keils Bibl. 3, 2, p. 16. IR. 54, col. iii. l. 10. Ib. 55, col. iv. l. 1, 2. IIR. 61. no. 2, obverse.

Written An-na, without the determinative for deity. De Sarzec, Découvertes en Chaldée, pl. 37, no. 8. The second element may also be read dar. See Jensen, Keils Bibl. 3, 1, p. 24, note 1. Inscription B, col. ii. 19. See Hommel, Semitische Kulturen, p. 389. For the sacred character of the swine among the Semites, see W. Robertson Smith's The Religion of the Semites, pp. 201, 272, 332, 457.

VR. 61, col. iv. ll. 33, 34. IR. 7, no. ix. Heuzey in De Sarzec's Découvertes en Chaldée, p. 209. Several examples occur in De Sarzec's Découvertes en Chaldée. See also Ward, Proc. Amer. Oriental Soc., May, 1888, p. xxix, and Peters' Nippur, ii. pl. 2. Wellhausen, Reste Arabischen Heidenthums, p. 106. Grotefend Cylinder, col. li. ll. 36-39.

By James Hanway. 1754. 2 vols. 4to. Bell of Antermony's Travels from St. Petersburgh in Russia to several Parts of Asia. Glasgow, 1763. 2 vols. 4to. Memoirs of B.H. Bruce, containing an Account of his Travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, and the Indies. 1782. 4to. A Journey from India to England, in the year 1797. By John Jackson. 1799. 8vo. Histoire des Découvertes faites par divers Voyageurs.

The first volume of the Voyage de Decouvertes contains numerous marginal references to charts not contained in the atlas issued with it. Freycinet's complete folio volume of charts was not published till 1812, five years after the issue of the book which they were necessary to explain.

Peron, in the first volume of the Voyage de Decouvertes, wrote as though he were present and heard what occurred between the two commanders. "En nous fournissant tous ces details M. Flinders se montre d'une grande reserve sur ses operations particulieres," he wrote; and again: "apres avoir converse plus d'une heure avec nous."

Some of the above works, as well as others relating to attempts to discover a north-west and north-east passage, are inserted in Harris and Churchill's Collections. Les Trois Navigations faites par les Hollandois au Septentrion. Par Gerard de Ver. Paris, 1610. 8vo. This contains Barentz's Voyages. Histoire des Peches, des Découvertes, &c. des Hollandois, dans la Mer du Nord.

At length they neared Green Bay, where they would have starved had they not gleaned a few ears of corn and frozen squashes in the fields of an empty Indian town. Of the three, or rather four narratives, on which this chapter mainly rests, the best is that contained in the manuscript of 1681, entitled the Relation des Decouvertes.