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Well, you may tell him the bargain's hoff, and if he wants his money, it's a waitin' of him round the corner. James. You little blackguard! Do you suppose a gen'leman's a goin' to deliver sich a message as that! Be off, you himp! How d'e do, Clumsy? Don't touch me; I ain't nice. Why, what was you made for, Parrot? Is them calves your own rearin' now? Is that a quid or a fardin?

"This is a pleasure party. Mr. Van Dusen wants to know why Maud S. is like a salamander?" "He is not to be gratified, Marion. If it is conundrums, I shall get out and walk." Before the conundrum was guessed, the volatile Van Dusen broke out into, "Here's a how d'e do!"

The Comte d'E , who was what is called 'enfant d'honneur' to the Dauphin, and about fourteen years of age, came into the Dauphin's apartments, one evening, with his bag-wig snatched off, and his ruffles torn, and said that, having walked rather late near the piece of water des Suisses, he had been attacked by two robbers; that he had refused to give them anything, drawn his sword, and put himself in an attitude of defence; that one of the robbers was armed with a sword, the other with a large stick, from which he had received several blows, but that he had wounded one in the arm, and that, hearing a noise at that moment, they had fled.