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"Berthe aux grands yeux d'azur, ouvre done ta paupière, Chasse les rêves d'or de ton léger sommeil Ils sont l

Around him everywhere was the gay cosmopolitan world of the tables that giddy little after-the-war financier and profiteer world which amuses itself on the Côte d'Azur, and in which he was such a well-known figure.

But now only fish, and fishermen, and a few artists occupy themselves in that quaint little world which one passes all regardlessly in the flying "Côte d'Azur." As we sailed round the road which rings the sleepy-looking salt lake, Lady Turnour had a window opened on purpose to ask what on earth the Prince of Monaco found to admire in this flat country, where there were no fine buildings?

But I am writing no such book; I am writing the quest of a golden fleece, and may allow myself no further deflection in the narrative; I may tell, however, of the two very interesting people I met at dinner on board La Cote d'Azur, though some readers will doubt if it be any integral part of my story.

At Marseilles there was still more excitement and inquiry, but at last we moved off to Toulon and along the beautiful Côte d'Azur, with its grey-green olives and glimpses of sapphire sea. We were passing along by the seashore, when I ventured to slip into Duperré's compartment, old Blumenfeld and his wife being then in the luncheon-car adjoining. I inquired in a whisper what had happened.

Always well but quietly dressed, her nationality was as obscure as her past. To the staff she was always polite, and she pressed hundred-franc notes into many a palm in the Rooms. But who she was or what were her antecedents nobody in the Principality of Monaco could ever tell. The whole Cote d'Azur from Hyeres to Ventimiglia knew of her.

The cheap rapidity which has made our villes de plaisir and cotes d'azur what they are, has made unwieldy boroughs of suburban villages, and what the rail has done for a radius of a dozen miles, the motor is rapidly doing for one of a score. So are we sped!

"It's awfully stuffy here," he said. "Let's go outside eh?" Together they descended the red-carpeted steps and out into the palm-lined Place, at that hour thronged by the smartest crowd in Europe. Indeed, the war seemed to have led to increased extravagance and daring in the dress of those gay Parisiennes, those butterflies of fashion who were everywhere along the Cote d'Azur.

Nef magique et supreme! elle a, rien qu'eri marchant, Change le cri terrestre en pur et joyeux chant, Rajeuni les races fletries, Etabli l'ordre vrai, montre le chemin sur, Dieu juste! et fait entrer dans l'homme tant d'azur Qu'elle a supprime les patries!

Mon ami, did ever hear of a bourgeois handling sword as you, or bearing arms un coq d'or griffe de sable, en champ d'azur? Those arms are on your wine-cups if they exist still they are on the hilt of the sword you lent me." "Morbleu!" "But that is not all. In the gay, red days, when Lorgnac here and I had all the world before us, we were of the College of Cambrai.