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Knopf. 2. #Andreiev.# When the King Loses His Head. International Bk. Pub. 3. #Annunzio.# Tales of My Native Town. Modern Greek Stories. Duffield. 5. #Chekhov.# The Chorus Girl. Macmillan. 6. #Dostoevsky.# The Honest Thief. Czecho-Slovak Stories. Duffield. 8. #Level.# Tales of Mystery and Horror. Short Stories from the Spanish. Boni & Liveright. 10. #Mayran.# Story of Gotton Connixloo. Dutton.

Baikal had been the scene of a titanic struggle between the Czecho-Slovak forces and the Bolsheviks, who had in case of defeat planned the complete and effective destruction of the line by blowing up the numerous tunnels alongside the lake, which it must have taken at least two years to repair.

The state and dynasty have lately taken away the rights and liberties of our nation and trampled them underfoot." On June 15, the National Socialist deputy Stribrny, openly demanded the creation of a Czecho-Slovak Republic: "The German annexationist plans are doomed.

The President of the Czecho-Slovak Republic, Thomas G. Masaryk, said that of all the men he had met, "your visionary, idealistic President is by far and away the most intensely practical." One of the Big Four at Paris remarked: "Wilson works. The rest of us play, comparatively speaking.

"In its foreign policy the Czecho-Slovak nation will accept its full share of responsibility in the reorganisation of Eastern Europe. It accepts fully the democratic and social principle of nationality and subscribes to the doctrine that all covenants and treaties shall be entered into openly and frankly without secret diplomacy.

The greatest success of the Czecho-Slovak National Council, however, has been the formal recognition by France of the formation of an autonomous Czecho-Slovak army in France with the National Council at its head. By this act France recognised: That the Czecho-Slovaks have a right to form an army of their own, which right appertains only to a sovereign and independent nation;

It was chiefly this unanimity of all Czech parties and classes in Bohemia and the absolute harmony between their action and the Czecho-Slovak action abroad which formed the real strength of the movement. Dr.

The central seat of the Czecho-Slovak Government is in Paris, and official Czecho-Slovak representatives and legations are in all the Allied capitals. The Czechs are especially grateful to France for this first recognition of their claims.

The return of the Socialist Party to its revolutionary traditions and its entire approval of the Bohemian state right and the national policy of Czecho-Slovak independence means a complete and absolute consolidation of the whole Czech nation. As the Social Democrats became quite loyal to the Czech cause, the National Socialist Party lost its raison d'etre.

These three men, unanimously recognised by the two million Czecho-Slovaks in the Allied countries as their leaders, were finally, in the summer of 1918, recognised also by the Allies as the de facto provisional government of the Czecho-Slovak State, with all rights and powers of a real government.