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The deep intuition that descended to both was enough to put them in sympathy at once without the need of articulate language. "Yes, Mr. Guy Waring," Mrs. Clifford repeated at last, breaking the awkward silence that supervened upon the group. "The brother of Mr. Cyril Waring, who was so kind the other day to my daughter in the tunnel." The Colonel started imperceptibly to the naked eye again.

And when Cyril took the candle from his pocket and lighted it with the match, and then held the burning candle up before the King the enthusiasm knew no bounds. 'Oh, greatest of all, before whom sun and moon and stars bow down, said Rekh-mara insinuatingly, 'am I pardoned? Is my innocence made plain? 'As plain as it ever will be, I daresay, said Pharaoh shortly. 'Get along with you.

"Thank God, some one's come," he groaned, holding out both the babies, with an exuberance of generosity. "Billy, you've saved my life!" Billy laughed tremulously. "Yes, I've come, Cyril, and I'll help every bit I can; but I don't know a thing not a single thing about them myself. Dear me, aren't they cunning? But, Cyril, do they always cry so?" The father-of-an-hour drew himself stiffly erect.

After putting up at the inn, he went to the lawyer's. Mr. Popham, he found, had had a room prepared in readiness for him at his house, but Cyril, while thanking him for so doing, said that, as Lord Oliphant was with him, he would stay at the inn for the night. The next morning they rode over with Mr. Popham to Upmead, which was six miles distant from the town.

'I wonder what she WOULD like, pondered Cyril. 'She'd like us all to be good, said Jane primly. 'Yes but that's so dull for us, Cyril rejoined; 'and, besides, I should hope we could be that without sand-fairies to help us. No; it must be something splendid, that we couldn't possibly get without wishing for. 'Look out, said Anthea in a warning voice; 'don't forget yesterday.

In the home of Bertram's brother Cyril, Cyril himself was at the piano, but where his thoughts were was plain to be seen or rather, heard; for from under his fingers there came the Lohengrin wedding march until all the room seemed filled with the scent of orange blossoms, the mistiness of floating veils, and the echoing peals of far-away organs heralding the "Fair Bride and Groom."

In fact, Cyril Graham was the only perfect Rosalind I have ever seen. It would be impossible to describe to you the beauty, the delicacy, the refinement of the whole thing. It made an immense sensation, and the horrid little theatre, as it was then, was crowded every night. Even when I read the play now I can't help thinking of Cyril. It might have been written for him.

'There's nothing like firmness, Cyril went on, when the breakfast things were cleared away and the children were alone in the nursery. 'People are always talking of difficulties with servants. It's quite simple, when you know the way. We can do what we like now and they won't peach. I think we've broken THEIR proud spirit. Let's go somewhere by carpet.

The monks of Mount Nitria and of the neighbourhood burned with a holy zeal to fight for Cyril, as they had before fought for Theophilus; and when they heard that a jealousy had sprung up between the civil and ecclesiastical authorities, more than five hundred of them marched into Alexandria to avenge the affronted bishop.

Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem, immediately composed the description of a celestial cross, encircled with a splendid rainbow; which during the festival of Pentecost, about the third hour of the day, had appeared over the Mount of Olives, to the edification of the devout pilgrims, and the people of the holy city.