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It should be grown in a cool greenhouse, or in the window of a dwelling-room, always, however, in a position where it would get plenty of sunlight. An upright cylindrical-stemmed species, very much like a Mamillaria in the form and position of the tubercles and the numerous greyish hair-like spines arranged in a radiating ring on the top of each tubercle.

An erect cylindrical-stemmed species, from 6 in. to 1 ft. high by 4 in. in diameter, with from ten to fourteen angles or ridges; these are somewhat tumid, and marked with depressions, from which the star-like clusters of spines spring, about a dozen spines in each cluster, the central one much the largest.

The joints are oblong-ovate, glaucous-green, the cushions few and scattered; spines white, flattened, of various lengths. Flowers tawny yellow, small for the size of the plant. A native of Cuba, and requiring stove treatment. Being very brittle, this plant should be supported with stakes. A dwarf, cylindrical-stemmed kind, branching freely.