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It may be inferred that this hymn, admitted into the liturgy of the Roman Church, gave sanction to the adoption of the sibyls into Christian art. They are seen from this time accompanying the prophets and apostles, in the cyclical decorations of the church.... But the highest honour that art has rendered to the sibyls has been by the hand of Michael Angelo, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

The old polyphonic music differed from the newer harmonic music in three respects: 1. Form and Structure. Nearly all the important old music, the music that counts, was for voices for chorus with or without accompaniment. "Forms," in the modern sense of the word cyclical forms with recurring themes arranged in regular sequence, and with development passages, etc. of these there were none.

She dimly realised that somehow she had risen in their estimation and that of others. The change was rather a pleasant one, the new clothes were a welcome addition to her scanty wardrobe, and she was too young to worry about the future. The Eight Cyclical Characters appertaining to the hour of a person's birth. Again we pass over a few years.

General trade depressions are no new phenomenon, though the present depression is, of course, far worse than any we have experienced in modern times. They used to occur so regularly that long before the war people had come to speak of cyclical fluctuations, or to use a phrase which is now common, the trade cycle. That is a useful phrase, and a useful conception.

The result is that our days and nights and seasons follow one another with nearly perfect regularity from year to year, and have done so for as long time as we know anything for certain. A vast preponderance of all the action that takes place around us is cyclical action.

The title: "Bogdo Djembzonn Damba Khoutoukhtou Khan of Outer Mongolia" is conferred by the President of the Republic of China. The calendar of the Republic as well as the Mongol calendar of cyclical signs are to be used in official documents. Art. 5.

The revolution of the world around earth, which is accomplished in a single day and night, is described as being the most perfect or intelligent. Yet Plato also speaks of an 'annus magnus' or cyclical year, in which periods wonderful for their complexity are found to coincide in a perfect number, i.e. a number which equals the sum of its factors, as 6 = 1 + 2 + 3.

There is evidence that the tendency to bleed is greater at certain times than at others in some cases showing almost a cyclical character although nothing is known as to the cause of the variation.

The spectrum of Beta Lyræ undergoes transitions to some extent analogous, yet involving a different set of considerations. First noticed by Von Gothard in 1882, they were imperfectly made out, two years later, to be of a cyclical character. This, however, could only be effectively determined by photographic means. Beta Lyræ is a "short-period variable."

He adopted Hwang-che for the style of his reign in 399, and the cyclical name of that year was Kang-tsze. It is not possible at this distance of time to explain, if it could be explained, how Fâ-hien came to say that Ke-hâe was the second year of the period. It seems most reasonable to suppose that he set out on his pilgrimage in A.D. 399, the cycle name of which was Ke-hâe.