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And we realize fully how dangerous those Doernberg-Giardanos are, and how much more dangerous they'd be if these cybernetic controls were improperly assembled. But this man Crandall is talking about calling a strike." "Well, let him. In the first place, it'd be against me, not against the Atomic Power Authority.

But these people are going to make trouble." "If they do, it'll be my trouble. I'm under contract to install this cybernetic system for you; you aren't responsible for my labor policy," Melroy replied. "Oh, have you had much to do with this man Crandall, yourself?" "Have I had !" Leighton sputtered for a moment.

Back to Lindbergh-to-Paris. Tell me, Collins, how would you like to be the first man to travel faster than light?" Collins knew there was no way out. "All right," he said. Smith-Boerke wiped a hand across his dry mouth. "Project Silver has to come off. My whole career depends on it. You don't have anything to do. Everything's cybernetic. Just ride along and prove a human being can survive.

He knew, as a matter of fact, that there had been several nasty, meticulously unpublicized, near-catastrophes at the Long Island Nuclear Reaction Plant, all involving the new Doernberg-Giardano breeder-reactors, and that there had been considerable carefully-hushed top-level acrimony before the Melroy Engineering Corporation had been given the contract to install the fully cybernetic control system intended to prevent a recurrence of such incidents.

Once we start work on the reactors, you and Ned Puryear and Joe Ricci and Steve Chalmers can't be everywhere at once. A cybernetic system will only do what it's been assembled to do, and if some quarter-wit assembles one of these things wrong " He left the sentence dangling; both men knew what he meant. Keating shook his head.

Rives for confirmation; she's already pointed out that all that is required to pass those tests is ordinary adult mental capacity. "My company specializes in cybernetic-control systems," he continued. "In spite of a lot of misleading colloquial jargon about 'thinking machines' and 'giant brains', a cybernetic system doesn't really think.