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For example, xiv. is practically identical with liii., except that in the first Jehovah is always used as the designation of the Deity, and in liii. Elohim or God; again Psalm xl. 13-17 is reproduced in lxx.; lvii. 7-11 and lx. 5-12 are together practically equivalent to cviii.

"Now," said the jackal, "drive on, and when we come to yonder ravine and I tell you to put the sack down, do you knock in the head of the leopard with a stone." And the merchant did so and when he had killed the leopard, he took it out of the sack and the jackal ate its body. CVIII. The Wind and the Sun. Once the Wind and the Sun disputed as to which was the more powerful.

III. i. II. vi. II. iv. IV. vi. Economie Politique, p. 30. Mélanges, p. 310. See for instance Green's History of the English People, i. 266. Summa, xc.-cviii. See Maurice's Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, i. 627, 628. Also Franck's Réformateurs et Publicistes de l'Europe, p. 48, etc. Defensor Pacis, Pt. I., ch. xii.

CVIII. A eunuch named Pothinus, the boy's tutor, was regent of the kingdom on account of his youthfulness.

The original of the very exquisite "Res angusta domi," the beautiful drawing of the nurse by the child's bed in the children's hospital, which appeared in Punch, vol. cviii. p. 102 , is only priced at "Ten guineas." Turning over the Museum drawings one often sees the liberties with the penknife by which the artist would secure difficult effects of snow, or of light on foliage.

In the new Psalter, the Psalms have been divided into two large divisions, Psalms I. CVIII. being assigned to the night Office, Matins; and Psalms CIX. CL. for the day Offices, Lauds to Compline. From this latter division has been made: a selection of psalms suitable to Compline; the psalms long used in the small Hours of Sunday's Office;

Astronomical Observations and Experiments tending to investigate the Local Arrangement of the Celestial Bodies in Space, and to determine the Extent and Condition of the Milky Way. Phil. Trans., vol. cviii.

Without doubt one can get along without thirty thousand francs a year. But there is something easier yet: that is, when one has them, not to launch into abuse, every week, in the papers. Why doesn't he write books, since he is rich and has talent? I am just now reading Don Quichotte again. What a tremendous old book! Is there any more beautiful? CVIII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nohant, 7 March, 1869

Barclay, the American consul, will be here some few days yet. He will be, as he has already been, of much service to you, if the information I ask both from yourself and your lawyer, can come before his departure. I repeat my assurances of doing whatever I can for you, and am, Sir, your very humble servant, Th: Jefferson. LETTER CVIII. TO JOHN ADAMS, September 19, 1785 Paris, September 19, 1785.

SECTION CVIII. We have now examined the portions of the palace which contain the principal evidence of the feeling of its builders.