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Andrews took out a cigarette and, as he crossed the floor, lit it. "Come with me," he commanded. Somewhat puzzled, slightly annoyed, but enjoying withal the novelty of the environment and the curtness of his reception, Mr. Thorndike followed. He decided that, in his ignorance, he had wasted his own time and that of the prosecuting attorney. He should at once have sent in his card to the judge.

"There is one other thing," Hewitt went on, disregarding the other's curtness, "that I should like to know: There are two windows directly below that of the room occupied yesterday by Mrs. Cazenove one on each floor. What rooms do they light?" "That on the ground floor is the morning-room; the other is Mr. Lloyd's my secretary. A sort of study or sitting-room."

"What's rumor?" said the girl in a breathless voice. "He was thinking of my safety!" "Well, your safety didn't depend on him, did it?" Sharp jealousy of her defense of the American intruder drove Falconer to unseemly curtness. He gave a short laugh. "You and I," he said, "seem to be always tilting over some chap or other."

"It would be very nice to feel really warm," she said. "But there is the horrid sea voyage." "I dare say you would enjoy that very much after the first two days," put in Mrs. Harrington. "Especially if we select a nice large boat one of those with two funnels?" put in Mrs. Ingham-Baker. "Now I wonder what boat we could go by?" "Luke's," suggested Mrs. Harrington, with cynical curtness.

"My Lord of Cologne," said the latter, bending forward and addressing the man at the other end of the table "do you not agree with me?" "Certainly," replied Cologne, with some curtness. "In that case," continued Treves, "I take it upon myself to announce to you, Madam, that the young man chosen for our future ruler is Prince Roland, only son of the dying Emperor."

The significance of the man's thoughtful words and tone had come home to her. She knew he was not thinking of anything else she had said. Only of her regard for that other man. She abruptly held out her hand and Stanley Fyles took it. Her good-bye came with a curtness that might well have inspired consternation.

When first she was approached by timid, tentative questionings revealing this point of view, Betty felt hot and answered with unamiable curtness. No, there were no red Indians in New York. There had been no red Indians in her family. She had neither grandmothers nor aunts who were squaws, if they meant that.

The Queen, Althea, and the other ladies were already on the way to Coptos, in Upper Egypt, whither the King had exiled them. Ptolemy had intrusted the execution of this severe punishment to Alexander's former comrade as the most trustworthy and discreet of his subjects, but rejected, with angry curtness, Philippus's attempt to uphold the innocence of his friend Archias.

With which Everett found himself dismissed with a seeming curtness which he could plainly see was an heroic control of emotion in the feeble old stoic who was trembling with exhaustion.

The stranger saw that he was as inscrutable as ever, and consequently left him, half in indignation, and half impressed by a lurking hope that, notwithstanding the curtness of his manner, he was determined to befriend him. This, however, was far from the heart of old Corbet, whose pertinacity of purpose nothing short of death itself could either moderate or change. "Prevent the marriage, indeed!