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I'm sure I could dress and bath the boys, and we'd be so happy without a nurse." Uncle Geoff laughed heartily at this, and I felt very vexed with him again. And just then unfortunately a knock came at the door, and in answer to Uncle Geoff's "Come in," Mrs. Partridge made her appearance smiling and curtesying in a way that made me feel very angry.

Mauville?" said a gay but hushed voice, interrupting his ruminations, and Susan, in a short skirt and bright stockings, greeted him. "The better for seeing you, Mistress Susan." Nonchalantly surveying her from head to foot. She bore his glance with the assurance of a pretty woman who knows she is looking her best. "Pooh!" Curtesying disdainfully. "I don't believe you!

Holly Church, on the main road to Kelly's Ford, curtesying and gesturing all the while with her right hand, as if offering welcome, while with her left she steadied on her head the cast-away cover of a Dutch oven.

Penfold cried and kissed her; and for many days tears fell on the maternal knitting needles, as the fading vision of Lydia, in a countess' coronet, curtesying to her sovereign, floated mockingly through the maternal mind. To Susy Lydia was a little more explicit; but she showed herself so sunk in grief and self-abasement, that Susy had not the heart for either probing or sarcasm.

Patience trembled and gasped out the words, and curtesied, once in a while, when the Squire said something. "Come here," said he, when he had sat for a minute or two, taking in the facts of the case. To Patience's utter astonishment, Squire Bean was laughing, and holding out the sixpence. "Have you got the palm-leaf string?" "Yes, sir," replied Patience, curtesying.

A moment more and Arthur passed the door, equipped with overcoat and umbrella, and she heard his rapid steps upon the back piazza as he went towards the carriage house. Aunt Phillis now re-entered the library, curtesying low to Edith, who saw upon her old black face the trace of recent tears. "Is Mr. St. Claire's friend very sick?"