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She caught his hand and hurried him toward the head of the bed, where two long curtains were strung on a wire. She drew these apart. Behind them were what seemed to Kent an innumerable number of feminine garments. "You must hide in them, if you have to," she said, the excited little tremble in her voice again. "I don't think it will come to that, but if it does, you must!

Fairbrother did not seem to be affected favorably by it. She frowned and was looking very gloomy when he left the alcove. Asked if he had pulled the curtains together after closing the window, he said that he had not; that she had not requested him to do so. This story, which was certainly a strange one, had been confirmed by the testimony of the coachman who had lent his whip for the purpose.

The "gahs" was lighted, but the curtains, or more properly, the painted shades; were not down. And so I stood there and looked in along the table where the boarders sat at the evening meal, our old breakfast-table, which some of us feel as if we knew so well. There were new faces at it, but also old and familiar ones.

The curtains all parted, and from the midst of each there stepped a little nutbrown maid, who seemed too lovely to be Indian. Even then they could not tell which was maid and which reflections until she spoke. "Will the sahibs give their names?" she asked in Hindustani; and her voice suggested flutes.

We are rather upset, for we are beginning to pack, and Hannah is washing out the anti-macassars and the white muslin curtains, for we think the muslin curtains will look so nice in our cheap lodgings. We are very busy, awfully busy, but do come in and sit down. Eyebright, here is Mrs. Ellsworthy. Mrs.

Mewks sat down at the foot of it, out of sight. It was a great four-post-bed, with curtains. "I'm glad you're come," he said, with a feeble grin, all he had for a smile. "I want to have a little talk with you. But I can't while that brute is sitting there. I have been suffering horribly. Look at me, and tell me if you think I am going to die not that I take your opinion for worth anything.

"Look out once more," she implored. "See if he is anywhere around. I will speak to him." He stood at the window and looked in every direction. "There is no one in sight," he declared. "I will go to the corner of the street, if you like." She shook her head. "Close the window and bolt it, please," she begged. "Draw the curtains tight. Now come and sit down here for a moment."

She expected him in every moment to make ready for his departure down town. She heard the click of the front gate, and a moment later some angry words. Alarmed, she was about to look through the parted curtains of the bay-window in front when the sharp crack of a revolver rang out, and she hastened to the door with a vague sinking fear at her heart.

Here will be no hiding yourselves behind curtains, nor no covering yourselves with the black and dark night. Again, as God will bring out of the book of his remembrance, whatever hath passed from thee against him; so also will he then bring forth by the same book, all things and carriages of his towards thee.

She grew more and more fond of watching for the tall form, with its trailing robes of black, its proudly-poised, heavily-veiled head, and slow, graceful movement. Sometimes she saw a white hand pull away the heavy curtains, and knew that the owner of the hand was looking out upon the street. But the face was always in shadow. She could not catch the slightest glimpse of it.