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"You'll have some more trouble yet from that fellow!" said he to the captain, relating what he had seen and telling how Moody looked. "Pooh!" exclaimed the captain. "He's only a bully and a lazy grumbler; and all bullies and grumblers are curs at heart!"

A couple of dogs rushed at his legs and barked; but he was not a coward, although he was no giant, and a kick soon frightened the curs away. A man stood in the stable door watching the schoolmaster as he walked up to the farmhouse. What did the Starawieś schoolmaster want? Ha, ha, was he also coming to kiss the mistress's hand?

"A thousand rix-dollars to the man who kills Hugo Gottfried!" he shouted. "But, hear ye, save the girl alive!" Yet not a man would attempt the first hazard of the stair. "Knaves, traitors, curs!" he cried; "would that there were so much as a single true man among you but there is not one worth spitting upon!" "Cur yourself!" growled a man, somewhere in the dark "you have most at stake in this.

It would have been well for those who indulged in this style of writing, if all the victims of their pens had been of the same mind as Frederick the Great, who said that time and experience had taught him to be a good post-horse, going through his appointed daily stage, and caring nothing for the curs that barked at him along the road.

Opened the doors were at length, and in rushed curs and men, eight dogs, the domestic chaplain, the village doctor, my six cousins, and my uncle. The rude hall rocks they come, they come, The din of voices shakes the dome; In stalk the various forms, and, drest In varying morion, varying vest, All march with haughty step all proudly shake the crest. Penrose.

I, a friend of M. de Canaples, tell you that you wrong M. de Luynes. 'T was a fair fight how the quarrel arose is no concern of yours." Despite his words they still snarled and growled like the misbegotten curs they were. But St.

The second sort of them are called turnspits, whose office is not unknown to any. Besides these also we have sholts or curs daily brought out of Ireland, and made much of among us, because of their sauciness and quarrelling. Moreover they bite very sore, and love candles exceedingly, as do the men and women of their country; but I may say no more of them, because they are not bred with us.

A little farther off, ran a crowd of children, who sent up shrill cries, and flung stones at the two strangers, with all their might. His companion, who was a very tall person, walked calmly along, as if disdaining to notice either the naughty children, or the pack of curs, whose manners the children seemed to imitate.

But the dog drivers still objecting, he whirled upon them fiercely, calling them women and curs. The swart face of the older half-breed flushed angrily as he drew himself up and promised in good, round terms that he would travel his leader off his legs, and would then be delighted to plant him in the snow.

The little cur never again troubled him. Be not less magnanimous than Byron, when troublesome boys try to annoy you whilst you are performing your duties; but employ gentle words instead of duckings to silence them. Drown the yelping curs bad thoughts, unamiable tempers, temptations, and such like which assault you from within.